A different symbol for {|

since the spec is still WIP and you are welcoming comments, I would like to suggest to change the symbol {|
The main reason is that I find it very ugly and in stark contrast with the simplicity and user-friendliness of Turtle. The two symbols are also on the opposite sides of the keyboard and require quite some effort to type (at least for ISO keebs), but this is only a secondary reason; much less of an issue than the first one. I don't find << >> particularly nice too, but it's completely bearable and I don't really have much problems with it. But {| |} is just... too much, I think.
I understand that the symbol must work both for Turtle and SPARQL, and the list of available characters combinations is limited because of this fact. So I'm not sure what a better replacement could be, if a new keyword, or a different 1-char symbol, or a better 2-char symbol such as {{ [[ (( -> => etc. Can << >> be reused maybe? What are the use cases for using << >> as an object of another triple? Maybe << >> as a subject could stand for non-assertion triples, whereas << >> used as an object could stand for annotation (instead of {| |}). Even a reference system like this would be better imo:

    :alice :knows :bob . [1]
    ...other turtle ...
    [1] ex:since 1980 .

Received on Sunday, 3 January 2021 08:02:11 UTC