Re: RDF-star use cases from Amazon Neptune


As a diversion to the Neptune use case discussion (and deriving 
threads), note that Ora Lassila himself will be speaking to the world 
live on Youtube in a couple of hours with:

"On the broad applicability of Semantic Web technologies"

About the talk: The Semantic Web, despite how it was originally 
advertised, was not a replacement for the World Wide Web, nor was it 
really knowledge representation (KR) solely for the Web. Rather, the 
Semantic Web is KR using Web technologies. The different technologies 
and standards of the Semantic Web have broad applicability in many areas 
distinctly outside of what we consider to be the “Web”. The DAML-S 
(later OWL-S) effort was one such example: apply ontologies to the 
problem of describing the semantics of functionality and services (in 
this case Web services, but the concept was more general). While the 
effort may not have been successful in the long term, it was an early 
example of the application of Semantic Web technologies and approaches 
to a wide variety of use cases and domains. These include agent-based 
computing, ubiquitous computing, context-awareness, policies, privacy, 
enterprise knowledge graphs, and many others. But there is still an even 
bigger role for Semantic Web technologies: Modern enterprise data 
practice is messy, with daunting problems such as data integration, 
elimination of “data silos”, and alignment of semantics. This 
“messiness” will be perpetuated until we have a practical unifying 
logical representation for data and semantics, and the promise of 
Semantic Web is that it could be this representation.

This is part of the Distributed Knowledge Graphs talk series:

It was announced on the Semantic Web mailing list last week but in case 
someone here missed it, this is a reminder.


Le 02/12/2021 à 19:43, Lassila, Ora a écrit :
> Folks,
> Attached is a document that outlines a couple of uses cases (variants of 
> one modeling pattern ,really) we would like to submit for consideration 
> by the upcoming RDF-star Working Group. I am submitting these now just 
> in case this turns out to be relevant to how the charter gets written. 
> Comments are welcome, and I am happy to discuss these use cases whenever.
> Regards,
> Ora
> -- 
> Dr. Ora Lassila
> Principal Graph Technologist, Amazon Neptune
> Amazon Web Services

Antoine Zimmermann
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
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Received on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 15:08:06 UTC