Re: Agenda for 2020-11-27

On 26/11/2020 23:21, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> Probably the most important of my proposed tests is whether malformed literals
> are correctly handled outside of embedded triples, but this test does not
> appear to have been incorporated into the test suite.
oops, I missed that one. That's fixed.
> This test could be transformed into an entailment test (instead of a
> consistency test) as follows:
> Are malformed literals handled correctly outside of embedded triples?
> prefix : <>
> prefix xsd: <>
> :a :b "c"^^xsd:integer .
> entails
> prefix : <>
> :a :b :c .

You are right, but that would not solve my problem when it comes to 
checking entailment through SPARQL.

Looking briefly at, it seems 
to me that inconsistent graphs are not expected to yield arbitrary 
triples... Anyway, the four systems that I have tested don't do that.

> peter
> On 11/26/20 3:59 PM, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
>> Perer,
>> Very good point, and thanks for that bunch of tests. I jave integrated them
>> in the test suite.
>> And here are the updated results.
>>    best
>> On 26/11/2020 18:56, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>>> Interesting results, but the test suite is not adequate to explain why some of
>>> the results are obtained.  For example, BlazeGraph might just be failing to do
>>> RDFS++ entailment correctly.
>>> So I propose the following extra test cases.
>>> Do embedded triples entail triple with term replaced by different
>>> non-blank-node trem
>>> prefix : <>
>>> << :a :b :c >> :p1 :o1.
>>> does not entail
>>> prefix : <>
>>> << :a :b :d >> :p1 :o1.
>>> Are malformed literals handled correctly outside of embedded triples?
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> :a :b "c"^^xsd:integer .
>>> must be a contradiction
>>> Are malformed literals handled correctly inside embedded triples?
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> << :a :b "c"^^xsd:integer >> :p1 :o1.
>>> does entail
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> << :a :b "c"^^xsd:integer >> :p1 :o1.
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> << :a :b "c"^^xsd:integer >> :p1 :o1.
>>> does not entail
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> << :a :b "d"^^xsd:integer >> :p1 :o1.
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> << :a :b "c"^^xsd:integer >> :p1 :o1.
>>> << :d :b "c"^^xsd:integer >> :p2 :o2.
>>> does entail
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> << :a :b _:x >> :p1 :o1.
>>> << :d :b _:x >> :p2 :o2.
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> << :a :b "c"^^xsd:integer >> :p1 :o1.
>>> << :d :b "d"^^xsd:integer >> :p2 :o2.
>>> does not entail
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix xsd: <>
>>> << :a :b _:x >> :p1 :o1.
>>> << :d :b _:x >> :p2 :o2.
>>> Is owl:sameAs handled correctly outside of embedded triples?
>>> prefix : <>
>>> prefix owl: <>
>>> :superman :can :fly .
>>> :clark owl:sameAs :superman.
>>> entails (under RDFS++ entailment regime)
>>> prefix : <>
>>> :clark :can :fly .
>>> On 11/26/20 11:56 AM, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
>>>> To feed tomorrow's discussion on test-cases, I have adapted my script
>>>> (attached) to run the test suite on the RDF stores I have installed. The
>>>> result is given in the attached files (raw output of the script, and a
>>>> reorganized version in TSV).
>>>>    best
>>>> On 26/11/2020 13:21, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> tomorrow's call will be again on
>>>>> and we will use W3C IRC server ( to minute the call, on
>>>>> channel #rdf-star
>>>>> I propose the following Agenda:
>>>>> * New people on the call introduce themselves
>>>>> * Review pending actions
>>>>>       -
>>>>> * Vote for merging Jeen Broekstra's pull request about SPARQL* result
>>>>> formats
>>>>>       -
>>>>>       - preview available here:
>>>>> * Discuss the tests cases in the proposed semantics test-suite:
>>>>>       -
>>>>>       The goal being to mark as many of them as approved or rejected.
>>>>> Best

Received on Friday, 27 November 2020 13:26:08 UTC