Re: RDF* semantics

> When considering RDF* as an abstract data model, the RDF* triple
> (written in Turtle* syntax, prefix declarations omitted)
>   :Alice :asserts << :Bob foaf:age"23"^^xsd:integer >> .
> should be semantically equivalent to the following set of five RDF
> triples (assuming we use RDF* in SA mode)...

Hi Olaf,

I'm confused. I read in the documents explaining RDF* that there is now a new
kind of object, a Triple, in addition to the ones that we already know about,
IRIs, Literals and Blank Nodes. It explains that a Triple lives in the set

    (IRI ⋃ BN ⋃ T) x IRI x (IRI ⋃ BN ⋃ L ⋃ T)

defined in a suitable recursive way. I understand that, and it makes sense.

Your message confuses me because it's unclear in what sense one triple is
equivalent to a set of five triples. Maybe I'm just dense. Is a triple in RDF* a
new kind of object or is it just an extension of the Turtle language to make it
more convenient to write down reification?

Best wishes,

William Waites |
Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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Received on Monday, 2 September 2019 08:57:13 UTC