RE: Combining TriG / Named Graph / RDF* / - What are thepossibilities?

Hi Olaf,
Thanks for the clarification. Without reading the spec of Turtle*, I can see now what can be feasible or not.
Will it be possible to consolidate somehow use cases for RDF*? 
Sorry if I missed that from the previous threads.


«Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none » (W. Shakespeare)
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De : Olaf Hartig
Envoyé le :dimanche 1 septembre 2019 21:11
À :
Cc : Ghislain ATEMEZING
Objet :Re: Combining TriG / Named Graph / RDF* / - What are thepossibilities?

Hi Ghislain,

On lördag 31 augusti 2019 kl. 11:48:46 CEST Ghislain ATEMEZING wrote:
> Hello,
> Let me ask what can be feasible by combining TriG notation / Named Graph /
> RDF* all together. I give below some examples, and ask what could be
> covered or not with the new extension.

Syntactically, each of these examples is possible. However, they may be 
interpreted to represent different things. In the following, below each of 
these examples, I will write what I would consider as a reasonable 
interpretation. To avoid a similar discussion as we had it in the other 
thread, I assume that the property ':claims' in your examples is replaced by a 
property called ':asserts'.
> #1 - Alice claims sth in a named graph regarding Bob.
> {
> <>  rdf:type  foaf:Person .
> <>  foaf:name  "Alice" .
> <>  :claims  <http://example/graph/g> .
> }
> <http://example/graph/g> {
> <>  rdf:type  foaf:Person .
> <>  foaf:name  "Bob" .
> <>  foaf:age "23"^^xsd:integer .
> }

My interpretation: Person Alice asserts the whole set of triples that make up 
the graph denoted by IRI <http://example/graph/g>.

> #2- Alice claims sth in a graph regarding Bob with a confidence score
> {
> <>  rdf:type  foaf:Person .
> <>  foaf:name  "Alice" .
> <>  :claims  << <http://example/graph/g>
> :confidenceScore "0.8"^^xsd:double >> . }
> <http://example/graph/g> {
> <>  rdf:type  foaf:Person .
> <>  foaf:name  "Bob" .
> <>  foaf:age "23"^^xsd:integer .
> }

My interpretation: Person Alice asserts that the graph denoted by IRI <http://
example/graph/g> has a confidence score of 0.8.

> #3- Alice claims sth in a graph regarding Bob with prov information
> {
> <>  rdf:type  foaf:Person .
> <>  foaf:name  "Alice" .
> <>  :claims   <http://example/graph/g>  .
> }
> <http://example/graph/g> {
> <>  rdf:type  foaf:Person .
> <>  foaf:name  "Bob" .
> <>  foaf:age "23"^^xsd:integer .
> }
> {
> <> :prov  << ex:website :lastUpdate
> "2018/10/06"^^xsd:date >>
> }

My interpretation: First, as in example #1 above, person Alice asserts the 
whole set of triples that make up the graph denoted by IRI <http://example/
Additionally (and totally independent of Alice's assertion), the provenance of 
that same graph is a triple saying that something denoted by the IRI 
ex:website was last updated on Oct.6, 2018.

At its core, the latter sentence does not seem to make much sense ("the 
provenance of some graph is a specific triple"). However, that's what I would 
interpret from the nested RDF* triple at the end of your example #3.


> Best,
> Ghislain
> ------------------------------------
> «Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none » (W. Shakespeare)
> Web :
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