Re: RDF* semantics


On fredag 30 augusti 2019 kl. 12:13:27 CEST Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 8/30/19 11:36 AM, Olaf Hartig wrote:
> > [...]
> > Note that the last five lines part of your document (the part that uses
> > RDF
> > reification) can be written more concisely in Turtle* as follows (assuming
> > RDF* is used in SA mode):
> > 
> > Alice:  :describes << Bob: foaf:age "23"^^xsd:integer >> .
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Olaf
> You are saying that in RDF* you would like the following snippet to
> become RDF-Turtle notation, which isn't the case today:
> Alice:  :describes << Bob: foaf:age "23"^^xsd:integer >> .
There already exists a serialization format called Turtle* that is a syntactic 
extension of RDF-Turtle and in this format you can write such snippets. For 
the definition of this format see Section 3.3 in the document at:

> Here's a fixed version of my example. I've rebased identifiers for Alice
> and Bob using an indexical
> <> relative to
> document (context provider)  (as per my very first example).
> ## Turtle Start ##
> @prefix rdf: <> .
> @prefix rdfs: <> .
> @prefix xsd: <> .
> @prefix foaf: <> .
> @prefix : <#> .
> <> a foaf:Document .
> <> foaf:name "Document about Alice"@en .
> <> foaf:primaryTopic :Alice .
> :Alice  rdf:type  foaf:Person .
> :Alice  foaf:name  "Alice" .
> :
> :Bob  rdf:type  foaf:Person .
> :Bob  foaf:name  "Bob" .
> :Bob  foaf:age "23"^^xsd:integer .
> # Context clarity regarding :claims relation
> :claims a rdf:Property .
> :claims rdfs:domain foaf:Person .
> :claims rdfs:range rdf:Statement .
> # Olaf would like the following to as syntax-sugar (*rather than change to
> existing RDF semantics*): # :Alice :claims << :Bob foaf:age
> "23"^^xsd:integer >> .
> # for what follows
> :Alice  :claims  [ a rdf:Statement;
>                      rdf:subject :Bob ;
>                      rdf:predicate foaf:age ;
>                      rdf:object "23"^^xsd:integer
>                   ] .
> ## Turtle End ##


Now, notice that the :claims property you are using here is different from the 
:claims property as used in your earlier examples. That is, your earlier 
examples used the :claims property as if it was defined as follows:

:claims a rdf:Property .
:claims rdfs:domain foaf:Person .
:claims rdfs:range foaf:Person .


Received on Friday, 30 August 2019 19:13:16 UTC