Re: having a collection in rtObject


What triples did you want to see from:

<< functor log:isFunctorOf (argument1 argument2 ) >>


_:r rdf:reifies <<( functor log:isFunctorOf _:list0 )>>.

_:list0 rdf:first argument1 .
_:list0 rdf:rest _:b1 .
_:b1 rdf:first  argument2 .
_:b2 rdf:rest rdf:nil .


_:r rdf:reifies <<( functor log:isFunctorOf _:list0 )>>.
_:r rdf:reifies << _:list0 rdf:first argument1  >> .
_:r rdf:reifies << _:list0 rdf:rest _:b1 .  >> .
_:r rdf:reifies << _:b1 rdf:first  argument2 . >> .
_:r rdf:reifies << _:b2 rdf:rest _:b3 . >> .

which is also

<< functor log:isFunctorOf _:b  ~ _:r >>
<< _:list0 rdf:first argument1  ~ _:r >> .
<< _:list0 rdf:rest _:b1        ~ _:r >> .
<< _:b1 rdf:first  argument2    ~ _:r >> .
<< _:b2 rdf:rest rdf:nil        ~ _:r >> .

or an N3 with a graph term
or something else ?

There is also discussion in


On 23/10/2024 16:22, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 22/10/2024 23:12, Jos De Roo (UGent-imec) wrote:
>> We have some rdflogic cases supporting functional terms as
>> reifiedtriples << functor log:isFunctorOf (arguments) >>
>> which are at
>> and it would be really great if the
>> could contain a
>> Jos
>> -- <>
> Hi Jos,
> Unlike N3, collections are not first-class in RDF.
> << :s :p :o >>
> becomes a triple with triple term as object
> _:b rdf:refies <<( :s :p :o )>>
> But << :s :p (1 2 3) >> would be generating triples for the list and 
> putting them in the graph.
> The "triple term" would not be an RDF term.
> << :s :p (1 2 3) >> rdfx:source <URL> .
> only applies to the blanknode at the start of the RDF collection.
> In SPARQL, there are terms outside graphs.
>      Andy

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2024 16:56:05 UTC