Re: Combining RDF-star and Singleton Properties [ was Re: The singleton property option]


Thanks, I will incorporate the Cyper coding as well.

*Kurt Cagle*
Editor in Chief
The Cagle Report
443-837-8725 <,%2B14438378725>

On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 12:33 PM <> wrote:

> Dear Kurt
> Thank you for sharing your document on the proposed enhancements to RDF
> reification and LPG harmonization. Your approach to addressing these issues
> separately while utilizing a similar notation is intriguing and seems quite
> promising.
> The named node expressions, in particular, provide a clear method for
> transforming typically ephemeral blank nodes into actionable, referencable
> elements.
> I would appreciate a formal presentation of these concepts in our next
> meeting. A detailed exposition will help ensure that everyone understands
> the intricacies of your proposal and will facilitate a thorough comparison
> with other existing proposals. I definitely think that we need to have
> formal definitions, as well as the semantics of your proposal.
> Regarding translating these ideas into a DDL/DML language like Cypher,
> could you provide an example that mirrors the LPG scenario described?
> Demonstrating how these RDF constructs could be represented in Cypher would
> aid in evaluating their practical applicability in a graph database context.
> Best regards,
> Dominik
> Dnia 23 maja 2024 19:24 Kurt Cagle <> napisał(a):
> I've attached a document that covers YET ANOTHER proposal (more properly a
> recommendation I've made before).
> There are two issues that we seem to be rehashing here. The first is the
> question of reificational notation, while the second has to do with LPG
> harmonization. My contention is that these are different issues, though we
> can use similar notation for both.
> *Reification*
> A named reification is simply a set of statements:
> :r rdf:subject :s; rdf:predicate :p; rdf:object :o .
> This is not a triple. It is three statements about the state that a triple
> can be in. It does not introduce a triple into the system,it makes no
> assertions about the truthiness or even, by itself existence of that
> triple. It is simply a statement about the components that a triple might
> have. You cannot reason with it directly, though you can use other
> processes (SPARQL, SHACL, etc.) to construct or verify the existence of
> triples for which these assertions are true. Properly speaking, the above
> itself should probably be qualified:
> :r rdf:subject :s; rdf:predicate :p; rdf:object :o ; a rdf:Reification .
> The notation << :r | :s :p :o >> makes the above statement more compact,
> but the reification can apply to any triples within a system, or none at
> all, regardless of the values.
> *Named Node Expressions*
> I propose, in the attached, that we use a similar nomenclature for what
> I'm turning named node expressions, to whit:
> [ ?nn | :p1 :o1 ; :p2 :o2 ]
> where ?nn is replaced by a formal (not blank) IRI.
> This is a Turtle (not RDF) syntactical amendment. The above takes what
> would ordinarily be a blank node and replaces it with a named node:
> For instance:
> :liz :hasMarriage [ :marriage 1 | :to :Ricard, :start "1965" ; :end "1975"
> ].
> which expands to:
> :liz :hasMarriage  :marriage 1 .
> :marriage 1 :to :Richard .
> :marriage 1  :start "1965" .
> :marriage 1   :end "1975" .
> Why is this important? Because the blank node is a pointer to a data
> structure, but use of the [] notation makes it impossible to reference that
> data structure from within Turtle. By adding in a named node as the
> referencing node, you gain that ability, and it is a key ability for
> modeling.
> For instance, I can use the expression:
> :liz :hasMarriage [ :marriage 1 | :start "1965" ; :end "1975"; :to
> :richard ], [ :marriage 2 | :start "1975" ; :end "1985"; :to :john].
> This is semantically equivalent to the JSON
> {"liz":{"hasMarriage":[{"marriage1":{"start":"1965",
> "end":"1975","to":"richard"}},"marriage1":{"start":"1965",
> "end":"1975","to":"richard"}}]}}
> The same thing can be done with both predicate-positioned named node
> expressions and subject-oriented ones.
> This addresses the LPG equivalency relationship, and does so without ever
> touching reifications.
> Note that this also highlights an important point. Blank nodes are useful
> because they are unique and system-assigned. However, they are not
> referenceable. The Turtle notation:
> :liz :hasMarriage _:b1, _:b2 .
> _:b1 :start "1965" ; :end "1975"; :to :richard .
> _:b2 :start "1975" ; :end "1985"; :to :john .
> is simply a preprocessor directive to replace the "named" nodes with
> anonymous IRIs in the final indexing.  You still have to make _:b1 and _:b2
> unique, or the data structures disintegrate.
> Anyway, I ask the chair for time during our next meeting to discuss this
> proposal.
> *Kurt Cagle*
> Editor in Chief
> The Cagle Report
> 443-837-8725 <,%2B14438378725>
> On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 5:32 AM Thomas Lörtsch <> wrote:
> ===================================
> What appeared as the way forward last winter is getting more and more
> convoluted as the details are discussed. I agree with Niklas that this is a
> result of the choice for Option 3, but it also is sign of a deeper problem:
> we might still don’t work with the right primitives and still don’t have a
> solid understanding of the problem we’re dealing with. I’m well aware that
> everybody is tired and wants to be done with all this, but it seems to me
> that we should change course, again. I’ll discuss some background first,
> but then make a pretty concrete proposal of how to attack the problem by
> combining the syntax of RDF-star with the semantics of singleton
> properties. IMHO it has some very concrete advantages: less triples, less
> confusing indirections, and more intuitive semantics.
> ==========
> I see two main use cases for statement annotation:
> - n-ary relations
>  with a primary topic and secondary, qualifying attributes
>  -> that can be interpreted as INSTANTIATION
> - metadata annotations
>  that are orthogonal to the topic of the statement
>  -> that can be interpreted as REIFICATION
> The metadata use case (quite often characterized as provenance) is strong
> in RDF land with its focus on integration of data from heterogeneous
> sources. In LPG land much more emphasis is put on structuring the graph
> into easy to navigate main relations and their less important details (and
> attributed objects, but that’s another topic). Of course that is just a
> very rough characterization, and overlaps in both directions are common.
> The metadata use case is well captured by REIFICATION because reification
> stays clear of the annotated statement itself (lets keep in mind that
> reification is a general concept and don’t associate it with the syntactic
> verbosity its implementation in RDF for a moment). There is an air gap
> between the statement and its reification that ensures that the original
> statement is unencumbered and unchanged by the annotation. This is good for
> the metadata use case but it is not easy to understand as recent mail
> exchanges on the list between Olaf, Niklas, Bryan and Peter have shown
> (again) and the indirection can cause irritating and unfortunate effects.
> In an n-ary relation the main relation can be understood as an
> INSTANTIATION of the type of relation it represents, with each instance
> having its own secondary attributes as qualifications. Instantiation is a
> concept that is well understood and maps nicely to everyday
> conceptualizations like "a car" (engine, four wheels, etc) and "my car"
> (again engine, four wheels, etc, but also a sedan, blue, old, etc).
> Instantiation is what drives the semantics of the singleton property
> approach.
> Of course, the distinction is more one of tendencies than of a hard
> separation: reification can represent n-ary relations and instantiation via
> n-ary relations can represent metadata, one person’s data is another
> person’s metadata, etc. However, in both cases that comes at a certain cost
> in intuitiveness and naturalness. If used wrongly, subtle breaks can be
> introduced that may lead to surprising and undesirable results.
> The problem with the singleton property approach as proposed by Nguyen et
> al is that it tries to achieve its goal without a change to the syntax of
> RDF. It lacks the boldness of RDF-star to introduce a new term type into
> RDF. This makes it verbose, hard to optimize and requiring to entail the
> primary relation as if it was an additional detail, an afterthought even.
> On the other hand RDF-star was intially a syntax without a well-defined
> semantics, or model theory even, and this WG still struggles to make it all
> work out. This here is an attempt to re-use  the singleton property
> approach as the semantic underpinning of the RDF-star syntax, or, put the
> other way, to augment the singleton property approach with the RDF-star
> syntax, thereby getting rid of its verbosity. So let’s get to it.
> ====
> 1) a return to RDR and pre-CG RDF*: EACH TRIPLE TERM IS ASSERTED, e.g.
>    << :s :p :o >> :b :c .
> asserts ' :s :p :o ' and annotates it in one go. This gets rid of the need
> for an annotation/shorthand syntax and it safes an extra triple to actually
> assert the assertion. It captures the predominant intuition: saying
> something and adding detail to it. At this point it doesn’t matter much if
> that detail is metadata or qualifying detail. What matters is that both are
> solidly connected, not separated (and prone to mixups and misunderstandings
> through overlapping multi-edge situations).
> A query for { :s :p :o } in SPARQL-star on the above example must retrieve
> the statement ':s :p :o' from the triple term << :s :p :o >>, etc - "Turtle
> with holes".
> This means that in common scenarios there is zero overhead because of
> singleton property verbosity and entailments, unasserted assertions, etc.
> The main use case is very straightforward to use (and implement, I reckon).
> 2) the RDR/RDF* proposal is extended with TRIPLE TERM IDENTIFIERS not
> unlike the current WG proposal, but with a twist: user-provided identifiers
> are handled differently (more on that below). Just as in the current WG
> proposal a bnode identifier is provided by the system for every triple
> term, e.g. the above '<< :s :p :o >> :b :c .' is equivalent to
>    << _:p1 | :s :p :o >> :b :c .
> The triple term is now a QUAD-TUPLE: the identifier becomes part of the
> triple term also in model and abstract syntax, getting rid of the abstract
> triple term type (the thing syntactically expressed as '<<( :s :p :o )>>'
> in the current proposal - however, we will reuse that syntax, see below).
> This identifier is equivalent to the singleton property itself in the
> approach so named.
> The statement identifier, refering to an instance/occurrence of the
> abstract statement, is essential to capture the semantics of most use
> cases, not the least LPG uses, where statements (or edges in LPG) of the
> same type can occur multiple times, each with different and not to be mixed
> up sets of annotations.
> The current WG proposal offers to users the possibility to explicitly
> define an IRI en lieu of but semantically equivalent to the system provided
> bnode, e.g.
>    << :x | :s :p :o >> :b :c .
> Its purpose is to work around the limitations of line-based
> serializations. We do this too, but in a different way (that’s the TWIST
> hinted at above): an explicitly provided identifier is stored separately
> from and additionally to the system provided bnode. The quad therefore
> conceptually becomes a QUIN-TUPLE - however, stores may choose to just
> store the explicit identifier via an extra statement, like in the mapping
> discussed next. The rationale behind this arrangement will become apparent
> below when we discuss many-to-many relations, sets and graphs.
> 3) a MAPPING to standard RDF is based on the singleton property approach,
> e.g.
>    :s :p :o .
>    :s _:p1 :o .
>    _:p1 rdf12:singletonOf :p ;  # _:p1 is a singleton property of _:p
>         rdf12:id :x ;           # :x is a user-provided identifier
> refering to _:p1
>         :b :c .
> This should work well through the whole installed base and stack of
> RDF/RDFS/OWL/etc, at least in principle (issues e.g. with missing predicate
> indexes notwithstanding). [0] have found that singleton properties have
> quite favorable properties w.r.t. reasoning (and even more so if, in
> contrast to those authors, one interprets singleton annotations not as
> constraints but as additional detail).
> I claim that so far all this is pretty straightforward and covers the vast
> majority of real world usage. It is cleaner and more concise than the
> current proposal in that it doesn’t separate assertion from annotation, it
> saves that extra un-asserted triple in storage and it makes the shorthand
> annotation syntax superfluous.
> Some details are important to understand:
> - rdf12:singletonOf rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:type .
> This reflects the intuition that each singleton is unique, an intuition
> that is better expressed as instantiation than as subclassing.
> - the verbosity and optimization troubles of singelton properties, as
> evidenced in the mapping, only occur in environments that don’t support
> RDF-star triple terms (otherwise what would we need RDF-star for ;-).
> - the mapping loses the strong connection between a statement and its
> annotation. Just as with the current WG proposal it is possible to have the
> same statement asserted and, e.g. after merging a different source,
> annotated but assumedly un-asserted. The latter information will get lost,
> making the whole concept of un-asserted assertions brittle and unreliable.
> The current WG proposal always has this problem, this proposal here only
> when mapping to standard RDF.
> - the main difference between our proposal and the singleton property
> approach is that we reverse access: we put the un-annotated statement in
> the foreground (by means of the triple term syntax), both in the user
> facing syntax and at the implementation level, whereas in the singleton
> property approach it has to be entailed from the annotated singleton
> statement. This makes our proposal much more straightforward to use and
> implement.
> ==========
> The current WG proposal tries to cover more ground than just statement
> annotation, most notably annotating un-asserted assertions, but also other
> stuff that depending on perspecticve seems like low-hanging fruit,
> especially annotating sets of statements and referentially opaque statement
> annotations. We argue that those are orthogonal demands and should be
> implemented in a way that doesn’t complicate the above very simple basic
> arrangement. It seems however that it is possible to achieve this with
> modest effort.
> We re-use the syntax of abstract triple terms from the current WG proposal
> to encode unasserted assertions, as the concept of abstract triple terms is
> obsolete in our approach. Like triple terms they are four-tuples, i.e. they
> always have an identifier implicitly provided by the system as a bnode. As
> the use case is rather niche we consider the introduction of an unasserted
> assertion in model and abstarct syntax overkill, but instead advocate to
> implement the syntax as syntactic sugar for standard reification, e.g.
>    <<( :s :p :o )>> :b :c .
> in standard RDF maps to standard reification:
>    _:p2 rdf:type :rdf:Statement ;
>         rdf:subject :s ;
>         rdf:predicate :p ;
>         rdf:object :o ;
>         :b :c .
> The same for explicitly named un-asserted assertions like e.g. '<<( :x |
> :s :p :o )>>  :b :c .'
>    _:p2 rdf:type :rdf:Statement ;
>         rdf:subject :s ;
>         rdf:predicate :p ;
>         rdf:object :o ;
>         rdf12:id :x ;
>         :b :c .
> Referential opacity has come up again lately and although I’m pretty wary
> of the concept I can see a way in which its introduction will probably not
> harm RDF in general. Most of all I like to see it as an orthogonal concern
> that should not be entagled with annotations or un-asserted assertions as
> such. Therefore I take up the idea of introducing yet another syntax (by
> Enrico IIRC, in a recent telco), e.g.
>    <<" :s :p :o ">> :b :c .
> Again this may be implemented as a new term type in model and abstract
> syntax, or we may follow Antoine Zimmermanns proposal for an RDF literal
> datatype. The latter can be employed to define referential opacity as
> syntactic sugar and map to standard RDF maps as follows:
>    :s :p :o .
>    :s _:p3 :o .
>    _:p3 rdf12:singletonOf :p ;
>         :b :c ;
>         rdf12:ofArtefact ":s :p :o"^^rdf:ttl .
> The RDF literal datatype documents precisely the syntactic representation
> of the statement. This is a very un-intrusive approach to referential
> opacity and IMHO won’t get in the way of standard RDF procedures. Of course
> it doesn’t prevent undesirable entailments from being made, as the approach
> to referential opacity taken by the CG proposal does, but at least it
> allows to track them back to the original source and treat them
> accordingly. Bnodes might either not be handled or be covered more fully
> than in teh CG report proposal by allowing artefacts to be concise bounded
> descriptions. E.g. an artefact ":s :p _:b1 . _:b1 :d :e , :f ."^^rdf:ttl
> would give a full account of the meaning of _:b1 at the time the artefact
> was created.
> Again, referential opacity and unasserted assertions are orthogonal
> concerns, and therefore yet another syntax is introduced to combine the
> two, e.g.
>    <<(" :s :p :o ")>>  :b :c .
> Following the above proposals this is mapped to standard RDF by adding the
> literal representation to the reification quad, e.g.
>    _:p4 rdf:type :rdf:Statement ;
>         rdf:subject :s ;
>         rdf:predicate :p ;
>         rdf:object :o ;
>         rdf12:hasArtefact ":s :p :o"^^rdf:ttl ;
>         :b :c .
> Considering the mindboggling level of disambiguation that this arrangement
> provides the complexity isn’t too bad IMHO ;-)
> Like the current WG proposal this approach doesn’t rule out many-to-many
> relations, e.g.
>    << :x | :s :p :o >> :b :c .
>    << :x | :u :v :w >> :b :c .
> We might even consider to introduce a supporting syntax, aka GRAPH TERMS,
> e.g.
>    << :s :p :o .
>       :u :v :w >> :b :c .
> or, explicitly named
>    << :x | :s :p :o .
>            :u :v :w >> :b :c .
> I don’t want to push the envelope too far (given the constraints imposed
> by the charter, the controverses around the topic, etc) but it’s good to
> see that this is syntactically straightforward - it isn’t with the
> shorthand annotation syntax of the WG proposal.
> Anyway, employing the mapping to standard RDF from CORE above, we get a
> straightforward definition of the meaning of many-to-many annotations (no
> matter if they come as singleton terms or as hypothetical graph terms),
> e.g. mapping the above many-to-many relation to
>    :s :p :o .
>    :u :v :w .
>    :s _:p5 :o .
>    _:p5 rdf12:singletonOf :p ;
>         rdf12:id :x ;
>         :b :c .
>    :u _:v1 :w .
>    _:v1 rdf12:singletonOf :v ;
>         rdf12:id :x ;
>         :b :c .
> This establishes a FOR-EACH semantics: annotations of the graph term are
> annotating each triple, not the graph (or set of triples if one prefers
> that slightly looser wording) itself. The same is true for annpotations on
> :x: they too are mapped to all statements so named, e.g.
>    << :x | :s :p :o .
>            :u :v :w >> :b :c .
>    :x :d :e .
> is mapped to
>    :s :p :o .
>    :u :v :w .
>    :s _:p5 :o .
>    _:p5 rdf12:singletonOf :p ;
>         rdf12:id :x ;
>         :b :c ;
>         :d :e .
>    :u _:v1 :w .
>    _:v1 rdf12:singletonOf :v ;
>         rdf12:id :x ;
>         :b :c ;
>         :d :e .
> To annotate the set of triples itself one would have to create an explicit
> reference via the identifier :x, e.g.
>     :x rdf12:asObject [     # or "rdf12:asGraph", "rdf12:asSet" ...
>         :f :g
>     ] .
> A possible use case might be to express that a set of statements together
> describe a situation, postulate a theory, etc.
> This arrangement can also be used to annotate singleton statements as
> objects of there own right (not as annotations to the predicate).
> Semantically this is probably closer to reification than to n-ary
> relations, but I’m not really sure myself what to make of it. In any case
> it is more expressive than the current WG proposal which provides no means
> to differentiate between the object and its content (httpRange-14 raising
> its ugly head again, I guess)
> However, this arrangement has repercussions on the interpretation of
> annotations on :x (or _:x) in x-to-one cases, i.e. when single statements
> are annotated, because it can only mean that also those annotations refer
> to the statement as a whole, not its n-ary property. This is a departure
> from the current state which leaves this question open - and sure to cause
> some irritation.
> TBC… I’m leaving it at this for reasons of time, but also to solicit some
> general comments. The details most certainly need some more tweaking, as so
> far all proposals did. The means to explicitly name an occurrence were
> introduced to overcome the limitations of serialization, but they do open
> the door to many-to-many relations, and that comes in handy when discussing
> sets and graphs. However it mixes orthogonal concerns, so may have
> unintended consequences. I expect this arrangement to be controversial, and
> maybe buggy. Comments welcome!
> Best,
> Thomas
> [0]
> > On 2. May 2024, at 16:00, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <
>> wrote:
> >
> > The singleton property approach has benefits and downsides.  The quoted
> triple approach has benefits and downsides.
> >
> > One very big advantage of the singleton property approach is that it is
> (barely) possible to use it with any RDF system, even RDF systems that have
> no optimizations.  A big disadvantage of the quoted triple approach is that
> it requires new syntax, new semantics, and new implementations.
> >
> > One cannot successfully argue that just because the singleton property
> approach may require more triples that it is inherently worse than the
> quoted triple approach.   RDF implementations can be tuned to the singleton
> property approach, providing special data structures for singleton
> properties and special code to optimize SPARQL queries for the singleton
> property approach.
> >
> > One possible way to do this is to use a special approach for singleton
> properties where the internal name of the blank node encodes the parent
> property.  This could result in minimal or even no storage overhead for
> singleton properties.  Of course the implementation effort to make this
> completely transparent would be significant, but then so is the effort to
> make a performative implementation of quoted triples.
> >
> > I note that in this approach the singleton property triples would look
> very much like multiple edges, i.e., this could be considered to be a
> space-efficient implementation of RDFn.
> >
> > peter
> >
> >
> > On 4/30/24 15:46, Thompson, Bryan wrote:
> >> Your proposal would require two statements on top of the original SPO
> statement before you should begin to make assertions about the original SPO
> statement?
> >> Anything based on the singleton property approach will have quite an
> impact on database statistics.  The number of used predicates would jump
> from millions (for open linked data) to the cardinality of the statements
> about which statements are being made (e.g., billions, 10s of billions,
> etc.). @Williams, Gregory <> or @Schmidt,
> Michael <> can comment on this, but this
> certainly places a new burden on common techniques for extracting
> statistics from a graph.
> >> Note that there is really no reason to rely on the P position in your
> proposal.  You could use S since it already allows blank nodes.  You then
> hang the Subject of the original asserted SPO on the statement about that
> unique subject. (Or you could use O, which might be kinder for database
> statistics since they tend to focus on SP* analysis.)
> >> _:si :statementInstanceHasSubject :s .
> >> _:si :p :o .
> >> :s :p :o.
> >> I have been impressed in the past with the space and time overhead
> which arises out of various modeling decisions around possible statements
> about statements treatments.  I would recommend carefully considering that
> impact.  Another 2 triples makes a huge difference when all statements
> carry annotations, as they do in some domains.  For example, consider the
> relatively common case in which you have a graph consisting of a topology
> and edge weights.  This is very common - lots of graphs are simply edges
> and their weights.  As I understand it, your proposal would have 3 times
> the data volume to model the topology (some set of edges) in a manner which
> would permit associating edge weights with the edges in that topology.  And
> the database would need to chase a long chain to obtain those edge weights
> in a correct manner: :s :p :o. => :s _:pi :o => _:pi rdfs:subPropertyOf :p
> . => _:pi :hasWeight 1.0.  The cost of chasing that chain would make
> applications relying on edge weights very expensive in both time and
> space.  I can't see that as being responsive to such use cases.  To be
> efficient, there needs to be a close association between an edge and the
> properties of that edge.  Their resolution needs to be very efficient.
> >> Also note that this singleton property proposal would not support
> alignment in the data (interoperability in the data) with LPG edge
> properties.  So it would fail to offer a unification path for the common
> use cases of RDF and LPG.
> >> Thanks,
> >> Bryan
> >>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> *From:* Peter F. Patel-Schneider <>
> >> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 30, 2024 10:40:18 AM
> >> *To:*
> >> *Subject:* RE: [EXTERNAL] The singleton property option
> >> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not
> click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know
> the content is safe.
> >> I think that this is far too strong.   The singleton property approach
> has
> >> problems, but not to this extent.
> >> For any statement that does not require annotation, the singleton
> property
> >> approach does not require any changes at all, i.e.,  just use
> >> :s :p :o .
> >> For a statement that does require annotation, the singleton property
> requires
> >> two or three triples, one to make the blank node a subproperty of the
> desired
> >> property, one to state the relationship using the blank node, and, if
> the RDF
> >> system does not implement RDFS semantics, one to make the statement
> using the
> >> regular property, i.e.,
> >> _:pi rdfs:subPropertyOf :p .
> >> :s _:pi :o .
> >> :s :p :o.
> >> The added storage for this might be less than that needed for efficient
> >> processing of quoted triples, particularly if the third statement is
> not needed.
> >> There is no need to change modelling if the statement is annotated
> after the fact.
> >> peter
> >> On 4/30/24 12:26, Thompson, Bryan wrote:
> >>> The singleton property approach undermines the direct use of
> predicates in
> >>> statements and forces a second hop for any use case to determine the
> actual
> >>> predicate used.  It also requires that the "statement" is modeled
> differently
> >>> in advance, thus increasing the space requirements even if no
> statements about
> >>> statements are used.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> This is not efficient.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Effectively, the singleton property model says that the RDF triple is
> wrong.
> >>> It says that you should model using (S ID O) and then model the
> predicate and
> >>> other information as statements about that ID.  This is not the RDF
> model.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The approach with Statements about Statements should IMHO be built on
> (S P O
> >>> ID).  That is, there is a unique identifier for the SPO and you make
> >>> statements about that statement ID.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Bryan
> >>>
> >>>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>> *From:* Thomas Lörtsch <>
> >>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 30, 2024 12:02:21 AM
> >>> *To:*; Thompson, Bryan; Niklas Lindström;
> RDF-star
> >>> Working Group
> >>> *Subject:* RE: [EXTERNAL] The singleton property option
> >>>
> >>> *CAUTION*: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do
> not
> >>> click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and
> know the
> >>> content is safe.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Brian,
> >>>
> >>> Niklas combines the RDF-star syntax with the semantics of Singleton
> >>> Properties. AFAIK no implementations of or papers on Singleton
> Properties have
> >>> done that. This combination doesn't even require an index on
> properties.
> >>>
> >>> This combination is nearer to the original RDR approach than anything
> else
> >>> discussed by CG and WG. It is IMO a very neat idea and deserves a
> closer look.
> >>>
> >>> Thomas
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Am 29. April 2024 19:06:37 MESZ schrieb "Thompson, Bryan" <
> >>>
> >>>      The singleton property approach has many downsides and is
> pragmatically
> >>>      unworkable.  There is a good reason people are not happy with
> this approach.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>      Bryan
> >>>
> >>>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>      *From:* Niklas Lindström <>
> >>>      *Sent:* Friday, April 26, 2024 2:08:41 PM
> >>>      *To:* RDF-star Working Group
> >>>      *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] The singleton property option
> >>>      CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization.
> Do not
> >>>      click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender
> and know
> >>>      the content is safe.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>      For completeness (and perhaps to widen the perspective), here is
> the
> >>>      singleton property option I briefly mentioned on the semantics
> call
> >>>      (and alluded to in [1]). Also see [2] for the original; this is
> just a
> >>>      quick strawman adaptation for the benefit of the LPG perspective.
> >>>
> >>>      It extends RDF 1.1 differently; no triple terms, no opacity, just:
> >>>
> >>>      1. Allow bnodes as predicates (blank predicates).
> >>>      2. Define rdf:singletonPropertyOf for linking those to the
> property
> >>>      they represent instances/occurrences/edges of.
> >>>
> >>>      3. Well-formedness conditions:
> >>>      3.1 Bnode predicates are only to be used once; with one s and o
> >>>      (similar to list cons nodes, who are "single purposed").
> >>>      3.2 The rdf:singletonPropertyOf is semantically functional
> (exactly
> >>>      like rdf:first and rdf:rest).
> >>>
> >>>      4. For optimization, implementations can put triples with blank
> >>>      predicates in a dedicated table (using edgename as unique key),
> >>>      relying on well-formedness for cohesion. Such a table is
> completed in
> >>>      two steps: 1) the singleton assertion inserts s and o for
> edgename; 2)
> >>>      the rdf:singletonPropertyOf assertion inserts p for edgename. If
> >>>      well-formedness is broken, all optimization bets are off. Perhaps
> a
> >>>      dedicated skolemization scheme can be employed for some more
> control
> >>>      and/or "unstarring".
> >>>
> >>>      5. RDF-star syntax obviously needs no naming syntax; naming these
> >>>      would break well-formedness.
> >>>      6. What these *mean* of course needs a good definition (property
> >>>      specializations, edge type instances or similar). Are they
> asserted?
> >>>      Sure. Do they assert something using their rdf:singletonPropertyOf
> >>>      property as predicate? No. (Could they? Well, they can be declared
> >>>      ("inline") to *also* be subPropertyOf the same property, and
> through
> >>>      entailment that would happen.)
> >>>      7. Reifiers become a usage pattern (informative) as suggested
> from the
> >>>      property edge perspective. Any desired :reifiedBy or :partOf
> relation
> >>>      can link predicate singletons to one or more "reifiers".
> >>>
> >>>      Basic example:
> >>>
> >>>           << :s :p :o >> :source <stream662be7ba> ;
> >>>               :timestampMills 1714153402 .
> >>>
> >>>      Expands to:
> >>>
> >>>           :s _:e1 :o .
> >>>           _:e1 rdf:singletonPropertyOf :p ;
> >>>               :source <stream662be7ba> ;
> >>>               :timestampMills 1714153402 .
> >>>
> >>>      Annotation syntax:
> >>>
> >>>           :s :p :o {| :reifiedBy <#reifier> |} .
> >>>
> >>>      Expands to:
> >>>
> >>>           :s :p :o .
> >>>           :s _:e1 :o .
> >>>           _:e1 rdf:singletonPropertyOf :p ;
> >>>             :reifiedBy <#reifier> .
> >>>
> >>>      Possible singleton property entailment?:
> >>>
> >>>           _:e1 a rdf:SingletonProperty;
> >>>               rdf:subject :s ;
> >>>               rdf:prediate :p ;
> >>>               rdf:object :o .
> >>>
> >>>      Will entailment break well-formedness if (accidentally?) *put
> back*
> >>>      into a regular graph? Of course, just as RDF lists are "broken"
> >>>      whenever that happens (as in look terrible when serialized, make
> no
> >>>      sense when queried, etc.).
> >>>
> >>>      Best regards,
> >>>      Niklas
> >>>
> >>>      [1]:
> >>>      <
> >>>      <
> >> <
> >>>
> >>>      [2]: <
> >>>      <
> >> <>>>
> >>>
> >

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2024 19:47:30 UTC