Re: Against the use of opaque triple terms in RDF - was Re: RDF-star "baseline" with IRI opacity

> On 14 Jun 2024, at 16:55, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:
> Because in RDF and RDFS there is little difference between opaque and non-opaque triple terms why are they present?  Is there any use case using RDF or RDFS that depends on the difference?

Storing a triple with :John is different from storing a triple with :Jake, would be an example.
The Superman and Clark Kent example, to mention another one.

Observe that I am not necessarily keen on having opaque triple terms in rdf-star. I am just observing that there are examples coming from annotations of syntactic triples, and examples of modal contexts with non-rigid designators.


Received on Sunday, 16 June 2024 12:20:36 UTC