- From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfpschneider@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2023 07:22:26 -0500
- To: public-rdf-star-wg@w3.org
As far as I can tell, although it is well disguised, option 2 is the way the working group was progressing. This option would probably be very close or identical to existing RDF-star implementations. In my opinion for the working group to take up any other option requires either finishing option 2 or making a determination that quoted triples as in https://www.w3.org/TR/2023/WD-rdf12-concepts-20231013/#section-triples are fundamentally flawed. peter On 11/12/23 03:41, Sasaki, Felix wrote: > Hi Adrian, Gregg and all, > > Adrian, thanks a lot for the summary. As somebody relatively new to the > working group and not attending the last meeting, I am struggling to > understand the impact of the options. > > How is this topic related to RDF star? How would it influence the role of > existing RDF star implementations > > https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/implementations.html > <https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/implementations.html> > > Best, > > > Felix > > *Von: *Gregg Kellogg <gregg@greggkellogg.net> > *Datum: *Samstag, 11. November 2023 um 21:23 > *An: *Adrian Gschwend <adrian.gschwend@zazuko.com> > *Cc: *public-rdf-star-wg@w3.org <public-rdf-star-wg@w3.org> > *Betreff: *Re: Next weeks discussions and decision-making for RDF Star WG > > > > Sie erhalten nicht oft eine E-Mail von gregg@greggkellogg.net. Erfahren Sie, > warum dies wichtig ist <https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification> > > > > I think it’s great to focus on resolving this fundamental issue. Below are the > outlined suggestions with some additional thoughts: > > 1) Do nothing beyond RDF 1.1, there’s already a reification vocabulary with > native support in RDF/XML > > 1.1) Same as above, but add syntactic sugar to Turtle/TriG/SPARQL for > expressing reified statements. This would most naturally involve using a blank > node subject, rather than a fragment identifier. Something based on the > current quotedTriple syntax ‘<<‘ qtSubject predicate qtObject ‘>>’ could be > syntactic sugar for [ a rdf:Statement; rdf:subject qtSubject; rdf:predicate > predicate; rdf:object qtObject ]. (Stable identification can be addressed via > indirection such as <#frag> rdfx:instanceOf <:a :b :c >). > > 2) Declare victory using the current tripleTerm resource. Triples are types, > and something like rdfx:instanceOf can be used to derive tokens. > > 3) Leverage RDF 1.1 named graphs with the provision that a blank node graph > name used elsewhere as a subject or object “identifies" that graph so named > (with some work on what “identifies” means in this context). This is > effectively how JSON-LD is used in Verifiable Credentials and elsewhere. A > graph inclusion hierarchy, if required, can be derived by following the path > from subject/object to graph name/graph. > > 4) Create a graphTerm resource where graphTerms are first-class terms and are > distinct from named graphs. This is probably closest to how Notation3 uses > graphs. This is arguably the purist from a logic point of view, but may be > more difficult to express in abstract and concrete syntaxes. > > Frankly, I think any of the single triple use cases can be expressed using > either of these paradigms; collections of triples require one of the > graph-based solutions. The main issue that gets in the way of settling on this > is the Type/Token debate. I think this can be resolved in other ways. This > doesn’t attempt to consider transparency/opacity; for blank nodes, I think > opacity can be solved at the syntax level, by using identifiers that don’t > overlap. > > Consider the URL http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person > <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person>. It could be considered to denote an RDF > document containing a vocabulary definition for foaf:Person. It can be > considered to be both a type and a token, depending on how it is used. In the > context of the vocabulary definition, it is a token against which other > properties can be defined: > > foaf:Person a rdfs:Class; rdfs:label “Person”; … > > In another context, it is a type: > > <http://rdfweb.org/people/danbri <http://rdfweb.org/people/danbri>> a > foaf:Person; foaf:name "Dan Brickley” ... > > Similarly, a graphTerm could be considered to be a type or a token, depending > on the context in which it is used. Something like {:a :b :c} a rdf:Graph has > the characteristic of a type, while {:a :b :c} ex:containedIn > <http://example.com/foo <http://example.com/foo>> has the characteristic of a > token. We can leverage rdfs:range/domain and explicit type declarations to > clarify the intended meaning. > > Perhaps we can use other explicit or implicit typing to clarify the use cases > about when we are identifying a specific statement within a graphTerm or the > graph itself as a collection of statements. > > Regarding the different possibilities outlined above: RDF is a system for > describing graphs/datasets composed of triples/statements. IMHO, the > fundamental building block should be a graph, so I favor either leveraging > named graphs or adding a top-level graphTerm (options 3 and 4 above). I think > the impact on implementations, such as quad stores, favors reusing and > refining the RDF 1.1 concept of named graphs, but with nuance given to graphs > named by blank nodes. This also works as is with N-Quads. Representing > graphTerms natively requires some form of syntactic extension (either embedded > graphs, or a new space for graph identifiers) as well as defining a graphTerm > similar to how we’ve already defined a tripleTerm in the abstract algebra. > > If the WG is not able to take on the work for describing such use of named > graphs, then I would favor doing something more like 1.1: reuse the existing > reification vocabulary with syntactic sugar from the quotedTriple production > of Turtle/TriG and SPARQL rather than adding a new tripleTerm which could > interfere with future groups to take on the work of better describing the use > of graphs as resources. But, I’m happy to go along with the consensus of the > group whatever we decide. > > Gregg Kellogg > gregg@greggkellogg.net > > > > On Nov 10, 2023, at 8:42 PM, Adrian Gschwend <adrian.gschwend@zazuko.com> > wrote: > > Dear all, > > Following our last meeting and discussions on the various proposals, it > has become clear that we need to focus our efforts on choosing a specific > direction for our next steps. To facilitate our decision-making process, > we are asking all members to review the proposals in detail and consider > which one they currently favor. This preliminary decision will help to > make the discussion at our next meetings more structured and productive. > > The next meeting is on November 16, as discussed for once we start at the > normal time but stay one hour longer. Please see the calendar for details, > the event is updated. > > regards > > Ora & Adrian > -- > Adrian Gschwend > CEO Zazuko GmbH, Biel, Switzerland > > Phone +41 32 510 60 31 > Email adrian.gschwend@zazuko.com >
Received on Sunday, 12 November 2023 12:22:55 UTC