Re: RDF-star in ARCO and CIDOC CRM

I would say instead that CIDOC-CRM is based on events 
( that are situated in 
space-time.  An E13 Attribute Assignment 
( is then an 
event (via E7 Activity - those events intentionally carried out by actors) 
that is an intentional assignment or assessment of some some value on some 
property on some entity.  For example an instance of E13 would be "the 
assessment of the current ownership of Martin Doerr’s silver cup in February 

So I would model the state of being married in CIDOC-CRM as an event (E5) and 
a ceremony of marriage as an attribute assignment (E13) that assigns married 
status to two people and is connected to the married state of those two people 
via a temporal relationship.

In my opinion RDF-star would have problems using quoted triples to model 
CIDOC-CRM events.  Consider the marriages of Richard Burton and Elizabeth 
Taylor.  If one has a married-to relationship and wants to use it as a quoted 
triple one can end up having difficulties like two start and end dates on the 
quoted triple.  CIDOC-CRM gets around these problems by not requiring events 
to be uniquely determined by the values of P140, P141, and P177.

There is a contributed use case to the WG from a project that uses CIDOC-CRM. 
I am still trying to determine exactly what is needed for the use case but you 
can see the current status of my attempt at creating a complete use case at 
and discussion at


On 5/22/23 06:49, Vladimir Alexiev wrote:
> Thomas Lörtsch wrote:
>  > You may know ARCO [0] and its decision to provide "shortcut" relations that 
> help users navigate the very involved and OWL-enabled data structures in the 
> background. Such shortcut relations combined with shapes that define complex 
> objects may well be the future of modelling on the Semantic Web. A sound 
> facility to connect the shortcut with the underlying "full" data would be very 
> welcome to enable such a modelling style.
>  > [0] Valentina Anita Carriero, Aldo Gangemi, Maria Letizia Mancinelli, 
> Ludovica Marinucci, Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, Valentina Presutti, Chiara 
> Veninata:
> ArCo: The Italian Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graph. ISWC (2) 2019: 36-52
> Thomas, I'd like to add some details to the potential Use Case that you describe.
> Since both reification and RDF-star are about adding extra data to relations, 
> I think that tackling complex reification scenarios is relevant.
> If you like, we can try to write out a explicit Use Case together?
> I believe ArCo uses CIDOC CRM.
> CIDOC CRM has a lot more involved reification than most ontologies.
> The prototypical reification class is crm:E13_Attribute_Assignment:
> <>.
> E13 is similar to rdf:Statement and has these props:
>   * P140 assigned attribute to : rdf:subject
>   * P141 assigned : rdf:object
>   * P177 assigned property of type: rdf:predicate
> P177 was recently added.
> It's punned as individual of E55 Type, which is like skos:Concept:
> "the properties defined by the CIDOC CRM also constitute instances of E55 Type 
> themselves."
> Furthermore, E13 has these subclasses:
>   * E14 Condition Assessment,
>   * E15 Identifier Assignment,
>   * E16 Measurement,
>   * E17 Type Assignment
> They add specifics, for example E15 has:
>   * P37 assigned: a sub-prop of P141
>   * but also P38 deassigned, which is also a sub-prop of P141,
>     but inverts the logic from positive to negative!
> These subclasses should fix the value of P177.
> Eg E15 should fix that P177 = P1 is identified by
> (because P37 and P38 operate on E42 Identifier, and P1 is the incoming 
> property of E42).
> Although CRM has a first-logic axiomatization, it fails to fix the value of P177.

Received on Monday, 22 May 2023 21:32:57 UTC