Re: FPWD published

On 19/05/2023 16:23, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>> On May 19, 2023, at 8:16 AM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

>> A fix:
>> sets the prevRecURI and then the "Latest Recommendation" is set to something that works.
>> SPARQL docs use prevRecURI.
>> (They could be updated to use prevRecShortname now. Does this matter?)
> It doesn’t seem so; from the docs, if `prevRecURI` is not specified, the reference is taken from `prevRecShortname`.

They are all there - two are wrong (or jumping ahead to the new 1.1. naming)
1.1 era short names:

Presumably short names don't go away, only new ones which are in addition.

> I suggest that we have in place the links for rdf10-, sparql10-, rdf11-, sparql11 as alternatives. We may or may not actually use these when referencing shortnames.


Are these link short names ones that the WG needs a resolution about? 
IIRC short names are formally chosen. Or are these link forms "lesser" 
and don't need that?


> Gregg

Received on Friday, 19 May 2023 15:35:05 UTC