Unearthing RDF 1.1 discussions in the Graphs Task Force


The discussions around what embedded triples mean and how to use them 
reminds a lot of the discussions about managing multiple graphs in RDF 
1.1. The RDF 1.1 WG charter had:

Required features

     Standardize a model and semantics for multiple graphs and graphs stores

A *lot* of discussions happened on this topic and a *lot* of the 
discussions around RDF-star use cases and semantics since the beginning 
of the community group and in this WG are very similar to the 
discussions that happened in RDF 1.1 WG at the time.

The wiki of the RDF 1.1 group has interesting inputs:

Use cases: https://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/TF-Graphs-UC
The graphs task force page: https://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/TF-Graphs
Dataset semantics discussed in these pages:

One of the output of the group was a WG Note summarising the discussions 
on the semantics of RDF datasets:

There are also many emails related to either use cases or semantics in 
the mailing list archives, but they can be tricky to find: 

Using the keyword "semantics" can help.
Antoine Zimmermann
École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
158 cours Fauriel
CS 62362
42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Tél:+33(0)4 77 49 97 02

Received on Friday, 12 May 2023 13:54:43 UTC