Re: Spec short names

On 08/12/2022 19:54, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> We discussed today using the “rdf12-“ prefix for our specs and repositories (e.g., “‘rdf12-concepts” for RDF 1.2 Concepts). But, not all specs used this convention.
> * n-triples
> * n-quads
> * turtle
> * trig
> * rdf-syntax-grammar

If we changing names anyway, should we put "xml" into the name?

"rdf12-xml-syntax" (there are several possibilities)

> I think for the infrastructure, it probably makes sense to append “12” to those shortnames (e.g., “n-triples12”) rather than starting a new convention. I believe that there’s some standard infrastructure that handles version numbers in shortnames, so that “n-triples” would end up refering to our spec, and “n-triples11” would (magically) refer to the 1.1 version.

If we changing names anyway, lets go for one style.

Either a prefix of "rdf12-" generally:

rdf12-n-triples? Or rdf12-ntriples?

or postfixed "rdf-concepts-12"

/xpath-functions-3/ and /xpath-functions-31/
with redirect from /xpath-functions/

/xmlschema11-1/, /xmlschema11-2/

> We should probably run this by Philippe and/or Dom.


I prefer rdf12- as a general grouping style but if the infrastructure 
imposes a convention that might be better.

We could even have


redirect to /FOO12

> Gregg Kellogg

The current SPARQL specs are "sparq11-*" except "rdf-sparql-XMLres"

"sparq11-xml-results" would work (if it gets revised)


Received on Sunday, 11 December 2022 11:19:23 UTC