PB in test cases


In test case core/property/uniqueLang-002.ttl,  the values of 
sht:dataGraph  and sht:shapesGraph should be switched :

<uniqueLang-002> a sht:Validate ;
   rdfs:label "Test uniqueLang with other boolean literal for true" ;
   mf:action [
       sht:dataGraph <uniqueLang-002-shapes.ttl> ;
       sht:shapesGraph <uniqueLang-002-data.ttl> ] ;
   mf:result [ a sh:ValidationReport ;
       sh:conforms "true"^^xsd:boolean ] ;
   mf:status sht:proposed .

In addition it is weird to consider "1"^^xsd:boolean as not beeing true 
in the shape graph ...


Received on Friday, 5 May 2017 12:27:00 UTC