strangeness of sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint

The current definition of sibling shapes does not appear to have any
structural problems.  However, sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint does result
in a very strange bit of syntax.

This consruct was added very late to SHACL.  It does not appear to be needed
for any use case for SHACL nor for any requirement for SHACL [SHACL Use
Cases and Requirements,].  It does not add
any expressive power to SHACL.  Any shape that uses the construct can easily
be modified to an equivalent shape that does not use the construct.

This construct will however cause problems for users of SHACL because it does
not fit into the rest of SHACL.  With this construct the meaning of a
constraint in a shape depends not just on the information attached to the
shape but on information that references the shape.  So in

ex:s1 rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ;
  sh:targetClass ex:C1 ;
  sh:path ex:p1 ;
  sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:class ex:C2 ] ;
  sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint true ;
  sh:qualifiedMinCount 1 .
ex:s2 sh:property ex:s1 ;
  sh:property [ sh:path ex:p2 ;
                sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:class ex:C3 ] ] .
ex:s3 sh:property ex:s1 ;
  sh:property [ sh:path ex:p2 ;
                sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:class ex:C4 ] ] .

ex:s1 checks that all SHACL instances of ex:C1 have at least one value for
ex:p1 that is a SHACL instance of ex:C2 and not a SHACL instance of ex:C3
and not a SHACL instance of ex:C4.  To determine this requires looking
outside of ex:s1 and into the shapes the refer to it and even into
properties of shapes that do not form part of any of their constraints.

As this construct does not add any expressive power to SHACL and any use of
it can be easily removed it would be much better to eliminate all the
complexities that it brings in by removing it.  Users who want disjointness
of qualified value shapes can just use sh:and and sh:not, where there is no
need to look outside the shape and which is easier to understand.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Nuance Communications

Received on Monday, 20 March 2017 15:55:52 UTC