example for disjoint qualified value shapes

The example shapes graph using of sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint does not
correspond to its textual description.  The following data graph conforms to
the shapes graph but does not match the textual description because it
contains a hand that has seven digits and where its fingers and thumbs are
not disjoint.  A correct example is needed to justify the inclusion of
sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint in SHACL.

ex:SixFingerHand rdf:type ex:Hand ;
 sh:digit [ rdf:type ex:Thumb ] ;
 sh:digit [ rdf:type ex:Finger ] ;
 sh:digit [ rdf:type ex:Finger ] ;
 sh:digit [ rdf:type ex:Finger ] ;
 sh:digit [ rdf:type ex:Finger ] ;
 sh:digit [ rdf:type ex:Finger, ex:Thumb ] ;
 sh:digit [ ] .

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Nuance Communications

Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2017 15:08:31 UTC