Re: Quick "last call" before CR for Data Shapes' SHACL


Some remarks on the the document.


1.4 SHACL Example

sh:sourceShape ... blank node on ex:ssn above ... ;

-- These statements are ambiguous. Use a bnode ID instead, e.g. _:b1

1.6 Relationship between SHACL and SPARQL

SPARQL variables using the $ marker represent external bindings that are 
pre-bound or, in the case of $PATH, substituted in the SPARQL query 
before execution

-- The meaning of "substituted" is not defined.

2.1.1 Constraints, Parameters and Constraint Components

Shapes can declare constraints using the parameters of constraint 
A constraint component is an IRI.

-- This is ambiguous because we may understand that the URI is part of 
the shapes graph whereas the IRI is used to identify constraint 
components in the document. Subjects-of targets (sh:targetSubjectsOf) Objects-of targets (sh:targetObjectsOf)

-- in addition to IRI, the values of these properties could also be a path

SELECT DISTINCT ?this    # ?this is the focus node
     ?this $targetSubjectsOf ?any .    # $targetSubjectsOf is 
**pre-boundto** ex:knows

-- a space is missing in *pre-boundto*

3.6 Validation Report

Is it correct to provide additional properties  to ValidationResult and 
ValidationReport ?

4.1.2 sh:datatype

Note that **the** using rdf:langString as value of sh:datatype can be 
used to test if value nodes have a language tag.

-- Note that  using rdf:langString as value of sh:datatype can be used 
to test if value nodes have a language tag.

4.5.1 sh:equals
4.5.2 sh:disjoint
4.5.3 sh:lessThan
4.5.4 sh:lessThanOrEquals

-- The value of these 4 properties  could be generalized to path

4.8.1 sh:closed, sh:ignoredProperties

The following example illustrates the use of sh:closed in a shape to 
specify the condition that certain focus nodes only have values for 
ex:exampleProperty1 and ex:exampleProperty2.

-- The  properties in the example are ex:firstName and ex:lastName

Received on Thursday, 9 March 2017 16:48:56 UTC