Review of SHACL document (2)


Some more comments on the SHACL document.



1.6 Relationship between SHACL and SPARQL

SPARQL variables using the $ marker represent external bindings that are 
pre-bound or, in the case of $PATH, substituted in the SPARQL query 
before execution.

The distinction between pre-bound and substituded is not clear.
Is $PATH limited to predicate or does it accept property path ?
In this latter case, what is substituted to $PATH ?

4.7.3 sh:qualifiedValueShape, sh:qualifiedMinCount, sh:qualifiedMaxCount

There is no definition for sh:qualifiedValueShapesDisjoint


5.1 An Example SPARQL-based Constraint

The following example illustrates a similar scenario as above, but with 
a property shape.

     sh:path ex:germanLabel ;

     $this $PATH ?value .

What happens when the value of sh:path is a property path that is not a 
predicate ? SELECT-based Validators

First one has to guess that there is a relation between 
and ex:LanguageExampleShape because the former uses sh:parameter 
[sh:path ex:lang] and the latter uses sh:property [ex:lang "de"].
This is not very explicit.

What happens if there are several such sh:ConstraintComponent with 
sh:parameter [sh:path ex:lang] ?
Do we apply all of them ?

Second, I find unclear to use sh:path in the sh:parameter statement 
because 1) sh:path is usually used to specify a path in the target RDF 
grapĥ (not in a shape)
and 2) the SPARQL query in the sh:propertyValidator use a $PATH variable 
that does not relate to this occurrence of sh:path.

Third, it is not specified whether  sh:datatype and sh:minLength in the 
sh:parameter act as a constraint that must be verified by ex:lang or as 
a condition that must  evaluate to true on ex:lang in order to select 
and apply the sh:ConstraintComponent.

Received on Monday, 20 February 2017 13:16:18 UTC