Re: Labels for literals in sh:in enumeration


Listing the values and labels to the same list, for example: 

sh:in (' #FDD7E4 ' 'Pig Pink' ' #800080 ' 'Purple'); 

would mean that 'Pig Pink' and 'Purple' are also a valid values for the predicate. This would be very odd and not very explicit if you dont know what to expect from the enumerations. 

All i can think of (without adding something to the SHACL syntax) would be to include labels to separate resources describing the literals: 

_:x1 rdf:value '#FDD7E4' . 
_:x1 rdfs:label 'Pig Pink'@en . 
_:x1 rdfs:label 'Vaaleanpunainen'@fi . 

... but then the labels would be kind of off the specification that wouldnt support generic form generation. 

- Miika 

From: "Dimitris Kontokostas" <> 
To: "Miika Alonen" <> 
Cc: "public-rdf-sha." <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 14 September, 2016 10:40:56 
Subject: Re: Labels for literals in sh:in enumeration 

Hello Miika, 
you can have it like 
sh:in ( 1 333 true "string" "lang string"@en "2"^^xsd:unsignedInteger ex:A ) 
and SHACL will check if your value is in this list 

if your rdf nodes in the sh:in list are valid, i.e. there is no "a"^^xsd:int SHACL engnes (the ones based on SPARQL at least) will work correctly 

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Miika Alonen < > wrote: 

Hi all, 

What would be the best way to include labels to sh:in for literals? Using literals instead of resources is reasonable in some use cases. 

For example you might want to use literals for HTML colors and labels for the drop down menu: 
	a sh:Shape ;
	sh:targetNode ex:RainbowPony ;
	sh:property [
		sh:predicate ex:htmlColor ;
		sh:in (' #FDD7E4 ' ' #800080 ') ;
	] . 

instead of: 
sh:in ( ex:Pink ex:Purple ) ... 
... and something like ... ex:Pink rdf:value ' #FDD7E4 ' . 
There is of course many ways to model this but in case you need to use literals for simplicity the could be something like enumNames that is proposed to JSON Schema v5: 

Best Regards, 
Miika Alonen 

CSC - IT Center for Science 

Dimitris Kontokostas 
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia Association 
Projects: , , 
Research Group: AKSW/KILT 

Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 09:06:53 UTC