prospective charter for a shapes validation WG

The Shape Expressions 1.0 Submission has just been acknowledged by
W3C, which gives us the opportunity to use the syntax and semantics
from it, as well as the RDF graph defined by Resource Shapes, as the
basis for a charter for an RDF Data Shapes Working Group. Please note
that this is just a draft charter and does not indicate that the W3C
membership endorses this work. The name "RDF Data Shapes" comes from
comments on the Resource Shapes and Shape Expressions that the title
implied and RDF description of "shapes" vs. the topology of RDF graphs.

As a community, we can help develop this charter to have a clear scope
and deliverables, as well as look for support from developers and
users to help the W3C Membership guage the importance of such work. I'm
also hoping that Sandro Hawk will provide a more extensive use case for
motivation for this work for consideration in the charter (or in a
Use Cases and Requirements document).

prospective charter:
Resource Shapes:
ShEx primer:
ShEx definition:


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Received on Friday, 27 June 2014 19:50:38 UTC