Re: Shapes/ShEx or the worrying issue of yet another syntax and lack of validated vision.

* Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> [2014-07-20 02:05-0700]
> On 07/20/2014 01:10 AM, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> >* Evren Sirin <> [2014-07-19 22:55-0400]
> [...]
> >One of the features of Resource Shapes is that, while it *can* be
> >attached to a type, it frequently is not. Arthur Ryman spoke of this
> >[[
> >constraint language should be independent of any vocabulary or
> >ontology
> >]] — <>
> >and emphasized it in
> ><>
> Taken literally, this statement is rather extreme.  Constraint
> languages that are independent of vocabularies can only talk about
> reachability and connectedness.  I don't think that this is what is
> wanted here.

I believe that's what some people want. Both RelaxNG and XML Schema
allow one to specify a type independent from the tag name.

> One can argue that particular vocabularies/ontologies should permit
> multiple sets of constraints.  I agree with this argument.  This
> does not make the constraints independent of the vocabulary or
> ontology, however.  In fact, every example of ShEx that I have seen
> is very tied to a particular vocabulary.

I think the examples that have passed by on this list combine multiple
vocabularies in ways that are not universal to uses of those
vocabularies. For example, a foaf:givenName/familyName may be required
in some contexts by optional in others. Detaching the schema from the
type makes it easy to associate those different rules with their context.

> OWL and RDFS do not fail on this point at all.  One can use OWL and
> RDFS in a very flexible manner, where there is a base ontology and
> additional axioms.  A constraint system using OWL or RDFS can work
> in a similar fashion.
> Even StarDog ICV can be used in this manner.  All you have to do is
> have an overall file that imports the base ontology and separately
> constraint-imports the constraints.  Different uses can have the
> same ontology and different constraints.  Some uses can even have
> just the constraints.  One could also have a trivial modification of
> StarDog ICV that had an extra explicit input - the constraints.

I think you're proposing truth maintenance by including or excluding
ontologies from the application at different times. For instance, if I
have some interface where someone posts new bugs:

    :NewBugShape { ex:state ( ex:unassigned ex:assigned ) }

, and another for extracting the resolved bugs:

    :ResolvedBugShape { ex:state ( ex:resolved ) }

I have some <Issue1> which is posted as a new bug:

    <Issue1> ex:state ex:unassigned .

but then gets resolved (sometimes we are lucky):

    <Issue1> ex:state ex:resolved .


App1 posts something conforming to :NewBugShape and then polls another
interface for :ResolvedBugShapes.

With OWL CWA/UNA, I can define a new bug shape:

  :NewBugShape rdfs:subClassOf [
      a owl:Restriction ;
      owl:onProperty ex:state ;
      owl:allValuesFrom [
          a owl:Class ;
          owl:oneOf ( ex:unassigned ex:assigned )
      ] .

and the resolved bug shape:

  :ResolvedBugShape rdfs:subClassOf [
      a owl:Restriction ;
      owl:onProperty ex:state ;
      owl:allValuesFrom [
          a owl:Class ;
          owl:value ex:resolved
      ] .

but I have to add premises to my data:

  <Issue1> a :NewBugShape ; ex:state ex:unassigned .

which I will must retract/replace when polling for resolved bugs:

  <Issue1> a :ResolvedBugShape ; ex:state ex:unassigned .

You can do this with retractable premises or by forgetting graphs, but
there's some truth maintenance required.

> Argument 2 in
> does not require anything that cannot be provided by StarDog ICV and
> many other constraint setups that are built on RDFS or OWL.

Let's work through a concrete example where validating a node depends
on its context. Pairing down the usual ShExC demo example, suppose I
have an interface where someone posts issues:
  my:IssueShape {
      ex:reportedBy @my:UserShape,
       ex:reproducedBy @my:EmployeeShape
  my:UserShape {
      (foaf:name xsd:string
       | foaf:givenName xsd:string+,
         foaf:familyName xsd:string),
      foaf:mbox IRI?
  my:EmployeeShape {
      foaf:givenName xsd:string+,
      foaf:familyName xsd:string,
      foaf:phone IRI*,
      foaf:mbox IRI
]] — <>
, we have different requirements for a UserShape and an EmployeeShape.
There is, however, an intersection between them, e.g.
  <Issue2> # or could be the <Issue1> from above
      ex:reportedBy   <Thompson.J> ;
      ex:reproducedBy <Thompson.J> .
      foaf:givenName "Joe", "Joseph" ;
      foaf:familyName "Thompson" ;
      foaf:phone <tel:+456> ;
      foaf:mbox <> .

Here, we again use something retractable to say that that something
posted to this interface has certain constraints that are peculiar to
this interface:

  Individual: <file:/home/eric/checkouts/FDA-TA-merge/Issue2>
      Types: my:IssueShape # <--- retract me !!
  Class: my:IssueShape
          ex:reportedBy only my:UserShape,
          ex:reportedBy some my:UserShape,
          ex:reproducedBy some my:EmployeeShape,
          ex:reproducedBy only my:EmployeeShape
  Class: my:UserShape
          ((foaf:name exactly 1 xsd:string)
           or ((foaf:givenName min 1 xsd:string)
               and (foaf:familyName exactly 1 xsd:string)))
          and (foaf:mbox min 0 owl:Thing)
          and (foaf:mbox max 1 owl:Thing)
  Class: my:EmployeeShape
          (foaf:phone min 1 owl:Thing)
           and (foaf:mbox exactly 1 owl:Thing)
           and (foaf:givenName min 1 xsd:string)
           and (foaf:familyName exactly 1 xsd:string)
  Datatype: xsd:string
  ObjectProperty: ex:reportedBy
  ObjectProperty: ex:reproducedBy
  DataProperty: foaf:givenName
  DataProperty: foaf:familyName
  DataProperty: foaf:name
  ObjectProperty: foaf:mbox
  ObjectProperty: foaf:phone

or, in Turtle:
  <Issue2> a my:IssueShape . # <--- retract me !!

  my:IssueShape a owl:Class ;
      rdfs:subClassOf [
          a owl:Restriction ;
          owl:onProperty ex:reportedBy ;
   owl:allValuesFrom my:UserShape .
      ], [
          a owl:Restriction ;
          owl:onProperty ex:reportedBy ;
   owl:someValuesFrom my:UserShape .
      ],  [
          a owl:Restriction ;
          owl:onProperty ex:reproducedBy ;
   owl:allValuesFrom my:EmployeeShape .
      ], [
          a owl:Restriction ;
          owl:onProperty ex:reproducedBy ;
   owl:someValuesFrom my:EmployeeShape .
      ] .

  my:UserShape a owl:Class ;
      rdfs:subClassOf [
          a owl:Class ;
          owl:intersectionOf (
              [ a owl:Class ;
                owl:unionOf (
                    [ a owl:Class ;
                      owl:intersectionOf (
                          [ a owl:Restriction ;
                            owl:onProperty foaf:givenName ;
                            owl:onDataRange xsd:string ;
                            owl:minCardinality 1
                          [ a owl:Restriction ;
                            owl:onProperty foaf:familyName ;
                            owl:onDataRange xsd:string ;
                            owl:cardinality 1
                    [ a owl:Restriction ;
                      owl:onProperty foaf:name ;
                      owl:qualifiedCardinality 1 ;
                      owl:onDataRange xsd:string
              [ a owl:Restriction ;
                owl:onProperty foaf:mbox ;
                owl:minCardinality 1 
      ] .

  my:EmployeeShape a owl:Class ;
      rdfs:subClassOf [
          a owl:Class ;
          owl:intersectionOf (
              [ a owl:Restriction ;
                owl:onProperty foaf:givenName ;
                owl:onDataRange xsd:string ;
                owl:minCardinality 1
              [ a owl:Restriction ;
                owl:onProperty foaf:familyName ;
                owl:onDataRange xsd:string ;
                owl:cardinality 1
              [ a owl:Restriction ;
                owl:onProperty foaf:phone ;
                owl:minCardinality 1 
              [ a owl:Restriction ;
                owl:onProperty foaf:mbox ;
                owl:cardinality 1 
      ] .

  ex:reportedBy a owl:ObjectProperty .
  ex:reproducedBy a owl:ObjectProperty .
  foaf:givenName a owl:DatatypeProperty .
  foaf:familyName a owl:DatatypeProperty .
  foaf:name a owl:DatatypeProperty .
  foaf:mbox a owl:ObjectProperty .
  foaf:phone a owl:ObjectProperty .

> It is very hard to see how ShEx constraints can be associated with
> instances of RDFS types.  I view the ability to associate
> constraints with instances of types as the most important aspect of
> a constraint system, hence my questions about how this can be done
> in ShEx.

Since it's just a DSL for Resource Shapes, one can use the same
mechanism as in Resource Shapes. The IRIs used to identify shapes in
ShEx identify the same shapes in Resource Shapes.

> peter


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