RDF validation must compile down to SPARQL

Dear All,

I strongly believe that RDF validation must compile down to SPARQL.
I think Stardog-ICV compiles down to SPARQL (expanded with OWL-DL 
Reasoning on the ontologies)
SPIN obviously does. ShEx currently does not.

If you want uptake of this standard then you need to have native SPARQL 
support. For better or worse SPARQL stores are the data access model for 
RDF. Considering the decade of effort that people have put into making 
SPARQL fast and scalable, you can not seriously consider not taking 
advantage of this.

Therefore I think the charter should include as a goal a SPARQL driven 
execution model.

Sincere regards,

Received on Friday, 18 July 2014 07:37:15 UTC