Re: bugs in Eric's implementation of RDF shapes

* Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> [2014-07-10 13:48-0700]
> I'm getting what appear to be incorrect results.
> For example:
> Constraints:
> prefix : <>


> <FooShape> {
>     :patron @<BarShape> {2,2}
> }
> <BarShape> {
>     :patron @<FooShape> {2,2}
> }
> Data:
> @prefix : <> .
> <Foo> :patron <Bar>, <Foo>, <XXX> .
> <Bar> :patron <XXX> .
> <XXX> :patron <Foo> .
> Results in everything matching everything.

Without the start shape, it tries the target node as every shape in
the schema.

> Are there known problems with this implementation?

I'd probably chop off an arm before calling it a reference
implementation, but the only problems I currently know about have to
do with some cool rendering which seems to have rotted in the face of
hasty typing and a complete lack of type safety. And colorize makes
your cursor jump around bizarrely, and back arrow sometimes gives you
two copies of your schema and your data, and Find Type Nodes makes it
think that you've run the GenX extension.

> peter


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