from June 2010 by thread

RDF.rb and format discovery Hellekin O. Wolf (Wednesday, 30 June)

Re: RDF.rb public domain dedications Gregg Kellogg (Sunday, 27 June)

rdf-n3 gem released Gregg Kellogg (Thursday, 24 June)

RDF.rb 0.2.0 released Arto Bendiken (Thursday, 17 June)

foafssl-ruby: A FOAF+SSL Authentication Library for Ruby and Rack Hellekin O. Wolf (Thursday, 17 June)

Ruby framework to build Web apps with RDF, Spira and Triple Stores David Peterson (Tuesday, 15 June)

Ruby RDF/XML Writer for RDF.rb Gregg Kellogg (Saturday, 12 June)

Writing Namespaces in RDF.rb Mark Windholtz (Sunday, 6 June)

Ruby RDF/XML parser for RDF.rb Gregg Kellogg (Monday, 7 June)

RDF.rb Public Domain Dedication Gabriel Horner (Friday, 4 June)

Spira triple storage David Peterson (Thursday, 3 June)

RDFa parser for RDF.rb Nicholas Humfrey (Thursday, 3 June)

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 19:31:36 UTC