Re: swap-scala's RDFa parser deployed on google app engine

On Sat, 2010-02-06 at 11:21 +0000, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
> Thanks a lot DanC! Awesome. I'll update the IR soon together with
> Damian's java-rdfa parser, which is still on my todo list. Any other
> implementation I might have missed out? 

I'd appreciate it if you dropped Swignition and replaced it with
RDF::RDFa::Parser. The latter is passing the full test suite (or at
least it does when run locally on my computer). I have a web service
here though it can be a little slow:

For those who are interested, Swignition (formerly known as Cognition)
is more or less dead. However, its carrion will provide food for various
spin-offs that I'm releasing (of which RDF::RDFa::Parser is the first).
Swignition was too monolithic - the spin-offs will be smaller, more
modular parsers and serialisers/writers.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Saturday, 6 February 2010 19:14:29 UTC