Re: [foaf-dev] RDF support for anonymous users in Drupal

On 23 Oct 2009, at 17:35, Toby Inkster wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 11:48 -0400, Stephane Corlosquet wrote:
>> To keep things simple, I'm very tempted to reuse the sioc:User  
>> mapping
>> we already have for the regular registered user. Is it ok not to  
>> use a
>> foaf:Agent or foaf:Person in this case, and link a sioc:User to a
>> homepage with foaf:page?
> sioc:has_creator links to a sioc:User by definition, not to a  
> foaf:Agent
> or foaf:Person.

Indeed, if you want to use a sioc:User then it should go with  
sioc:has_creator but if you require a foaf:Agent, then use foaf:maker.
However, both foaf:page / foaf:homepage have owl:Thing as a range so  
you can use it in combination with sioc:User.
I'd yet avoid foaf:homepage as this is an IFP, and may lead to weird  
things (esp. for untrusted users)


> By the way, on the  
> sioc:reply_of
> links aren't getting picked up. They're "masked" by the
> property="content:encoded" of the parent <div> element. A slightly
> annoying feature of RDFa is that any property which results in an
> rdf:XMLLiteral causes any RDF on descendant elements to be ignored.
> Possible solution...
> Drop this:
>  <span rel="sioc:reply_of" resource="/node/3" />
> Change this (lines wrapped for readability):
>  <h3 property="dc:title" datatype="">
>    <a href="/comment/1#comment-1">a first comment to the blog post</a>
>  </h3>
> To this:
>  <h3 property="dc:title" datatype="">
>    <a about="/node/3" rel="sioc:has_reply" rev="sioc:reply_of"  
> href="/comment/1#comment-1">
>      a first comment to the blog post
>    </a>
>  </h3>
> -- 
> Toby A Inkster
> <>
> <>
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> foaf-dev mailing list

Dr. Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Friday, 23 October 2009 16:53:27 UTC