Re: [whatwg] Link rot is not dangerous

On Wed, 20 May 2009 11:50:25 +0200, Kristof Zelechovski  
<> wrote:

> While searching the Web for "dc" may not be that helpful, you can always
> search for "dc:creator".  The incompatibilities of Dublin Core versions
> should never happen; once you publish an interface, you should not change
> what it means and how it works.  Microsoft solves this problem by  
> appending version numbers to names.
> That said, the author is free to use foaf: for Dublin Core or dc: for  
> FOAF if he likes,

Free to do it sure, but let's be honest, only someone very contrary would  
actually do that.

> so in this case Web search will fail.

Which is why URIs are so useful. A search for  
"" yields plenty of good information.

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2009 11:07:05 UTC