Re: HTML 4 Profile for RDFa

Shelley Powers wrote:
> Sam Ruby wrote:
>> Shane McCarron wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> Thanks to you all for encouraging me to create a draft profile for 
>>> RDFa in HTML 4.  This document has no official standing of course - 
>>> it is just something we at ApTest have been using for a while as a 
>>> way of pushing metadata into traditional web sites and user agents.
>>> You can find the latest version at 
>>> Feel free to send comments to me directly or to the 
>>> list if you want to share them with the 
>>> community.  I look forward to seeing what you think!
>> A promising start!
>> I would hope that we could work together to get HTML 5 included and 
>> the various issues that have been discussed to date resolved.
>> - Sam Ruby
> Absolutely excellent Shane.
> Thank you so much for doing this, and I'm eagerly looking forward to 
> spending time with your document today and this evening.
> I'm also hoping that other members of the HTML WG read the document, 
> and provide you feedback. Perhaps attached to this new topic posting.
> Shelley
I also wanted to mention that I've volunteered to Ian Hickson to convert 
this document into section format for inclusion in the HTML5 document 
for review.

Not long ago, Ian mentioned that he was looking for volunteer editors. 
I'm not precisely an RDFa expert, but others who are have volunteered to 
help ensure that what I produce will work for the RDFa community, and 
I'm sure that additional feedback from the HTML WG would ensure what I 
create would work for the HTML5 working group.

Normally I would assume we would write a proposal and then submit for 
review, but the HTML WG operates under the CTR (commit-than-review) 
process, so we'll need to get this section committed to the HTML5 
document, first, in order to do an effective review.

I don't think we have to produce more use cases in order to justify this 
new addition--the editor seems to have deemed them sufficient to make a 
modification to the HTML5 document.


Received on Thursday, 14 May 2009 20:17:23 UTC