- From: SWD Issue Tracker <dean+cgi@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 07:20:27 -0400 (EDT)
- To: public-swd-wg@w3.org,public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org
ISSUE-212: SKOS Implementation: SKOS_WS http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/track/issues/212 Raised by: Sean Bechhofer On product: SKOS Described in: [ http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2009Apr/0112.html ] In reply to the recent request for SKOS implementation details here are the details of work done to support the STAR project at University of Glamorgan: ==VOCABULARY IMPLEMENTATIONS== Existing English Heritage thesauri converted to SKOS: 1. English Heritage monument types thesaurus (3987 concepts) 2. English Heritage evidence thesaurus (41 concepts) 3. MDA Object types thesaurus (1742 concepts) 4. English Heritage main building materials thesaurus (225 concepts) 5. English Heritage timelines thesaurus (456 concepts) 6. English Heritage archaeological sciences thesaurus (101 concepts) Main glossaries created from English Heritage recording manual documentation: 1. English Heritage Simple Names for Masonry Structural Elements (158 concepts) 2. English Heritage Simple Names for Timber Structural Elements (64 concepts) 3. English Heritage Simple Names for Deposits and Cuts (96 concepts) Minor glossaries created from English Heritage recording manual documentation: 1. DEPOSIT.Compaction 2. DEPOSIT.Inclusions.Frequency 3. DEPOSIT.Inclusions.Size 4. DEPOSIT.Inclusions.Shape 5. DEPOSIT.Inclusions.Material 6. DEPOSIT.Contamination 7. CUT.Shape in plan 8. CUT.Breaks of slope 9. CUT.Breaks of slope.Slope and shape of sides 10 Cut.Breaks of slope.Properties of base 11 CUT.Breaks of slope.Post stake hole shape 12 SITE AND CONTEXT DETAILS.Finish 13 SITE AND CONTEXT DETAILS.Condition 14 SMALL FIND FORM.Condition 15 SMALL FIND FORM.Completeness 16 BOX INDEX FORM.Material 17 BOX INDEX FORM.Find type 18 BOX INDEX FORM.Box type 19 SAMPLE RECORD FORM.Simple name 20 SAMPLE RECORD FORM.Condition 21 SKELETON FORM.Body position 22 SKELETON FORM.Condition 23 SMALL FINDS FORM 24 BULK FINDS MATERIAL LIST The SKOS vocabularies were all implemented by Ceri Binding, University of Glamorgan, as part of STAR project. They were created in English language only. The thesauri were converted from Oracle data dumps using a C# conversion application written specifically for the task. Glossaries were initially created in MultiTes software, CSV output was then converted to XML using Altova XMLSpy. Finally the XML files were converted to SKOS using a custom XSL transformation (also using Altova XMLSpy). The thesauri and glossaries are not formally publicly available yet, having been fed back to English Heritage. However the thesauri may be viewed and browsed via the STAR SKOS_WS web service and associated client application (described below). ==SKOS constructs used== skos:ConceptScheme skos:Concept skos:hasTopConcept skos:broader skos:narrower skos:related skos:inScheme skos:prefLabel skos:altLabel skos:scopeNote ==APPLICATION IMPLEMENTATIONS== SKOS_WS - a web service providing a subset of the SKOS API with additional functionality for concept expansion and full text searching. The purpose of the web service is to support the wider aims of the ongoing STAR project. Implemented as a C# .NET SOAP web service backed by a MySQL database, using the SemWeb (http://razor.occams.info/code/semweb/) RDF library - which imports the SKOS thesaurus data from RDF/XML or NTriples format data. The web service has no built in SKOS consistency checking. STAR SKOS web service client - a C# .NET windows based client communicating with SKOS_WS for searching and browsing the English Heritage thesauri. In addition to the windows based client a number of browser based AJAX 'widget' controls have been developed for the project, communicating again with the SOAP web service. The web service and associated client applications were created by Ceri Binding, University of Glamorgan. They are described in more detail on the project website at http://hypermedia.research.glam.ac.uk/kos/STAR/ Ceri Binding Hypermedia Research Unit, Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, CF37 1DL Tel: +44 (0)1443 654533 Email: cbinding@glam.ac.uk <mailto:cbinding@glam.ac.uk>
Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2009 11:20:36 UTC