FYI: Slideshare is using RDFa....

Hello All

FYI: Slideshare is using RDFa see:

One thing I do find worrying is that they are not using the RDFa 
document type declaration, the same as Myspace and Digg, which leads me 
to believe that they either don't think its important, or that they have 
missed something. Maybe this could be Highlighted more In section 1.1 of 
the RDFa primer with a small snippet of copy and paste code? the RDFa 
community wouldn't  want to promote  non standards compliance now would 
we :)

Best wishes

Martin McEvoy

"You may find it hard to swallow the notion that anything as large and apparently inanimate as the Earth is alive."
Dr. James Lovelock, The Ages of Gaia

Received on Thursday, 26 March 2009 11:11:37 UTC