Re: RDFa without using xmlns:

Martin McEvoy wrote:
> Mark Birbeck wrote:
>> 'context' is normally used like this:
>>   {
>>     context: {
>>       base: "<>",
>>       token: {
>>         title: "",
>>         maker: "",
>>         name: "",
>>         homepage: ""
>>       }
>>     },
>>     "$": "<>",
>>       title: "Anna's Homepage",
>>       maker: {
>>         name: "Anna Wilder",
>>         homepage: "<>"
>>       }
>>   }

>  I've tried something very similar in a more extended test a month or 
> so back.

I have put all the extended tests that I did at that time here:

Please dont pay much attention to the format of the JSON, its clumsy, 
have a look more at the results of your "tokenizing the web" idea, all 
the examples use microformats and HTML5 by the way

Best wishes.

Martin McEvoy

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Received on Wednesday, 9 December 2009 01:40:33 UTC