Re: RDFa without using xmlns:

Toby Inkster wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 14:59 +0000, Martin McEvoy wrote:
>> The json example you provided above seems to be invalid json,
>> (unquoted strings, not key => value pairs ) so I am a little at a loss
>> at what you are attempting to do, so I will guess here is how I would
>> represent your example in json and you tell me what I am missing....
> That's rather my point. The example I posted (which was a quote from the
> RDFj wiki page on Google Code) *cannot* be represented in JSON because
> JSON doesn't have a data type equivalent to Javascript's first-class
> function objects.
> Thus RDFj is not JSON - it's Javascript. (Or rather, it uses a format
> that's a subset of Javascript but a superset of JSON.)

Ahh, I see Agreed.

thanks Toby ;)

Martin McEvoy

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Received on Tuesday, 8 December 2009 17:27:41 UTC