RE: RDFa SKOS and content negotiation - use of RDF-style # IDs in RDFa?

Glad you asked ;)
We kinda had that discussion some time ago and one outcome was the Wiki page [1] (see 'Discussion' section). Feel free to add your comments/suggestions/etc. there as well, please.

 Dr. Michael Hausenblas
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
 Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

    phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191)  
      web: <> 

   mobile: +43-660-7621761
      web: <> 
 upcoming: <> 


From: on behalf of Dan Brickley
Sent: Tue 2008-09-30 12:50
To: RDFa; WG
Cc: Ed Summers
Subject: RDFa SKOS and content negotiation - use of RDF-style # IDs in RDFa?

Looks like http-range-14 still haunts us. I'm looking for some best
practice advice for using "#blahblah" URI IDs in RDFa content...

Backstory -

Edd Summers has put up a great site at

It has one page for each concept listed in the Library of Congress
Subject Headings, eg. is a URI for a
document about the LCSH heading "Religion and the Humanities".

There is RDFa in the HTML page, as well as a complete NTriples zip-file
download of the dataset. The RDFa uses a #concept URI to identify the
abstract concept that the document is describing with SKOS.

<div class="concept" about=""

The document also has an RDF/XML representation available by content
negotiation. While the triples differ a little (Ed - is this a bug?),
they all talk about the SKOS concepts via identifiers that take the main
page's URI and append '#concept'.

Is it TAG-acceptable to use a URI in this manner, when is the URI for a document available in RDFa
XHTML rather than RDF/XML? What does
"" name? How do we 'follow our nose'
here? Should the media type definition for RDFa allow the assignation of
URIs to things other than chunks of markup?

Does anyone have a suggestion for how if at all this should be done
differently? My sense is that the HTML spec as-is doesn't license us to
assign URIs in this way. And since #foo is to be interpreted w.r.t. to
the (set of?) media types we get back as HTTP representations, there
seems to be a tension here between using conneg and using rdfa and
avoiding having to do http 303 redirects...



curl -s | rapper -i rdfa - file:

rapper: Parsing file <stdin> with parser rdfa and base URI file:
rapper: Serializing with serializer ntriples and base URI file:

<file:> <>
<> .
<file:> <>
<> .
<file:> <>
<> .
<> .
<> "Religion and the
humanities" .
<> "Humanities and religion" .
<> <>
"1986-02-11" .
<> "1986-02-11T00:00:00" .
rapper: Parsing returned 8 triples

curl -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" -s |
rapper -i rdfxml - file:

rapper: Parsing file <stdin> with parser rdfxml and base URI file:
rapper: Serializing with serializer ntriples and base URI file:

<> "Humanities and
religion"@en .
<> .
<> <>
"1986-02-11"^^<> .
<> "Religion and the
humanities"@en .
<> .
"1986-02-11T00:00:00"^^<> .
<> <> .
rapper: Parsing returned 7 triples

Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2008 12:37:48 UTC