Re: RDFa, multiple languages, multiple documents, one subject

Perfect - now when I fixed both lang -> hreflang and alternative ->
alternate it works (I did follow the link when I was surprised to see
"alternative", but my eyes deceived me and I saw it there too ;))

There is still the question of whatever it makes sense to put both
rel="alternate" and rdfs:seeAlso... in this tool, actually (contrary to
Wikipedia example I gave) it's probably worth dropping this additional
rdfs:seeAlso as it provides only translations (if they exist).

Steven, Simone, thanks a lot for your help with it! I hope all RDFa clients
will use the full set of specs for discovery.


On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Steven Pemberton

> On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 16:56:51 +0200, Sergey Chernyshev <
>> wrote:
>  On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Steven Pemberton
>> <>wrote:
>>  On Thu, 18 Sep 2008 16:21:42 +0200, Sergey Chernyshev <
>>>> wrote:
>>>  Great! I didn't know that. I wonder if RDFa clients are interpreting it
>>>> appropriately?
>>> What could they do wrong?
>> They can ignore it ;)
>> I made the change, but official RDFa parser didn't pick up this official
>> syntax:
> Oops, sorry, my mistake, I mistyped. If you follow the link you will see it
> is rel="alternate" not rel="alternative"
> Steven
>> I'll leave both for now - maybe I'll try having HTML links in the head as
>> <link rel="alternative" lang="ru" href="./?lang=ru"/> instead of <a> tags
>> in
>> the body.
>>  to have have both rel="alternative" and rel="rdfs:seeAlso".
>>>>  BTW, it's an example when duplication of code is necessary - same links
>>> need
>>> I was going to suggest using owl:sameas (
>>> between xhtmlvocab:alternative
>>> and rdfs:seeAlso but then I see:
>>> "The property rdfs:seeAlso specifies a resource that might provide
>>> additional information about the subject resource."
>>> I think this is different to a page that supplies the equivalent page in
>>> a
>>> different language. It is not additional information, but the same
>>> information in a different language. So I think rel="alternative" really
>>> is
>>> the correct relation, and rdfs:seeAlso would be misleading.
>> Not really - document in another language doesn't mean that it's exactly
>> the
>> same data - compare the length of these two pages:
>>   -
>>   -
>> So I think both "alternative document in another language" and "document
>> with additional information in another language" are applicable in this
>> scenario.
>> In any case making owl:sameas between xhtmlvocab:alternative and
>> rdfs:seeAlso is not a good thing as it'll merge too much stuff together.
>> Best wishes,
>>> Steven
>>>            Sergey
>>>> On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 8:59 AM, Steven Pemberton
>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>  Helly Sergey,
>>>>> On Mon, 15 Sep 2008 23:46:22 +0200, Sergey Chernyshev <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  One of the goals of the project is to make it easy to create profiles
>>>>> with
>>>>>  lables and stuff in multiple languages, another goal is to have RDFa
>>>>>> support
>>>>>> for it. I approached this by creating pages for each language
>>>>>> (substituted
>>>>>> with values in default language if language-specific labels are not
>>>>>> defined)
>>>>>> and interlinked them with rdfs:seeAlso links so english page, for
>>>>>> example
>>>>>> has
>>>>>>  <a rel="rdfs:seeAlso" href="?lang=ru">ru</a>
>>>>>> if russian version also exists.
>>>>>>  Actually HTML and XHTML already have a notation for this:
>>>>>      <a rel="alternative" href="?lang=ru" hreflang="ru">ru</a>
>>>>> So while your version may well be OK, that is the official way to do
>>>>> it.
>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>> Steven Pemberton

Sergey Chernyshev

Received on Thursday, 18 September 2008 15:18:43 UTC