RDFa with multiple CURIEs as property..


I was wondering about the possibility of @property having multiple CURIEs

As when I look into the RDFa spec

It seems possible that there are statements using the same RDF subject 
and RDF object (literal text), but allowing multiple predicates, which 
does not seem useful on the first glance to me.

    a URIorSafeCURIE, used for stating what the data is about (a 
'subject' in RDF terminology);
    a whitespace separated list of CURIEs, used for expressing 
relationships between a subject and some literal text (also a 'predicate');

As the OpenDocument 1.2 specification is reusing a subset of RDFa, I am 
thinking about a limitation in regard of xhtml:property using only one 

Hope you have a great week,

Received on Friday, 31 October 2008 11:00:29 UTC