Re: Vocab document fixed

Manu and I have agreed on some annotation to create rdfs Containers for 
the role values and the relrev property values.  I will push this change 
later today.

Ivan Herman wrote:
> Steven Pemberton wrote:
>> Hi there everyone,
>> Apparently I managed to mess up the vocab document at
>> last time I edited it
>> (short version: I used the old version of Amaya which doesn't recognise
>> RDFa, and which therefore deleted all the unknown attributes).
>> I have now repaired it, but I would be grateful if someone would
>> double-check the triples.
> They look o.k. to me; it is a bunch of triples of the sort:
> [[[
> <> a rdf:Property ;
>      rdfs:comment """A
>       form of Range that expects a user selecting from discrete
> choices."""^^xsd:string .
> ]]]
> which is, I guess, what they should be.
> Ivan
>> Thanks.
>> Steven

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Received on Thursday, 9 October 2008 15:12:43 UTC