ISSUE-175: Last Call Comment: SKOS namespace change question II

ISSUE-175: Last Call Comment: SKOS namespace change question II

Raised by: Sean Bechhofer
On product: SKOS

Raised by Jeremy Carroll in [1]:

    *  The URI of the SKOS namespace. The current draft introduces a new
namespace for the SKOS vocabulary. Comments have been made that this may cause
difficulty for existing SKOS implementations or vocabularies. As a result, the
choice of SKOS namespace should be considered "at risk of change".

Any implementators using a namespace URI in a WD have been warned of possible
change before Rec.
Conventionally this means that the terms in the namespace or their meaning might
change, and the namespace URI remains unchanged. So if I had been part of the WG
when the namespace URI changed, I would have been opposed, however that's water
under the bridge and the argument cuts both ways! 


Received on Monday, 6 October 2008 14:02:00 UTC