Re: RDFa SKOS and content negotiation - use of RDF-style # IDs in RDFa?

> Re: pto:
> I always quite liked tdb: and duri: scheme that Larry Massinter drafted  
> [1]
> Certainly in concept 'Thing-described-By' and 'Primary-Topic-Of' may be  
> similar, the tdb: scheme also provides an anchor in time aswell (the  
> latent access may become problematic).

I like Larry's scheme as well, but the time bit is either too little or  
too much, because once you start allowing for the primary topic of a  
resource changing over time, well, then why not foaf:name of a person, or  
w3c:isEditorOf a spec, or any property really.


Received on Friday, 3 October 2008 14:19:51 UTC