Re: comment/question on the latest RDFa editor's draft: role attribute

As an implementor, I am happy:-)


Shane McCarron wrote:
> It should generate the triple - you do not need to validate vocabulary 
> items.
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> If I understand it correctly,
>> <span rel="role" resource="[xhv:copyright]">...</span>
>> should not be valid (xhv being the XHTML namespace) because is it not 
>> one of the values defined as a permitted value for 'role' in the 
>> namespace document (although 'copyright' _is_ a defined term in the 
>> xhv namespace). So my question is: should an RDFa processor check this 
>> and ignore the triple? Or should it generate the triple nevertheless?
>> Ivan


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Thursday, 8 May 2008 17:05:08 UTC