Re: (IMPORTANT) The final push to PR

I know this issue is on me, but I really want to make sure we have the 
JavaScript implementations in the IR. I just don't think it makes any 
sense to have no client-side implementations when that's part of what 
we've been pitching. So I'll do everything I can to get that in "good 
enough" shape for IR, of course.


Manu Sporny wrote:
> Here's the list of things that MUST be completed in the next week in
> order for us to meet our Aug. 19th deadline. These action items are not
> optional and must be done as soon as possible.
> 1. Ben - Contact Ed and Diego to notify them that they will need to
>    review the changes to latest CR RDFa Syntax document before
>    Aug 19th.
> 2. Michael - finish Implementation Report and send announcement and link
>    to completed document to SWD and XHTML2 workgroups.
> 3. Shane - send response to ISSUE-121 noting that we did what Mark
>    suggested. State that this is the official response so we can close
>    ISSUE-121. Make sure that Mark's changes have been integrated into
>    the RDFa Syntax document, if there were any.
> 4. Ralph and Ben - formulate final RDFa Syntax document wording for
>    ISSUE-122, send to the mailing list and then have Shane integrate
>    the changes ASAP.
> 5. Mark - formulate wording for section 5.4.2 regarding the algorithm
>    that should be used for relative URI resolution for CURIEs. Integrate
>    wording into RDFa Syntax document.
> 6. Ralph, Michael, Ben and Manu - Review latest RDFa Syntax editors
>    draft and make sure that the document contains all expected
>    updates and changes.
> -- manu

Received on Thursday, 31 July 2008 16:43:03 UTC