Re: RDFa Primer comment

Shane McCarron wrote:
 >This is a W3C effort, and the W3C has not defined that behavior

Not to be a "smart as_",  shouldn't they have finished that already?

michael bolger

Shane McCarron wrote:
> While I agree that it is physically possible... there is no profile, 
> it is not valid, it requires the use of XML Namespaces, etc.  It is 
> not something that the HTML community would ever have agreed to.  You 
> parsers might swallow it, but that doesn't mean it is something we 
> should encourage.  This is a W3C effort, and the W3C has not defined 
> that behavior.
> Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>> On 16 Jul 2008, at 06:21, Shane McCarron wrote:
>>> This is a global comment - if you need more specifics I can do that 
>>> but I hope this will be good enough.  The Primer talks about HTML.  
>>> That's very very bad.  We don't define anything for HTML.  
>>> Anywhere.  Misleading people into thinking they can annotate their 
>>> HTML 4 documents with RDFa is not good for 2 reasons.
>> They can; it is not misleading.
>> (I am not trying to grind an axe here ... merely reporting that, for 
>> example, both Jena's support and TopQuadrant's support for RDFa 
>> starts off by applying tidy to the input which means that HTML 4 docs 
>> get converted into XHTML and everything works at a practical level - 
>> it might not be chapter and verse conformant, but it is practically 
>> useful)
>> Jeremy

Received on Wednesday, 16 July 2008 14:31:50 UTC