Re: RDFa for HTML imagemap accessibility and clipart?

Ivan Herman wrote:
> I made a run at it; it is actually pretty close to Niklas' second 
> version.

Thanks Ivan, Niklas, Karl, ...

We're getting there!

> What I guess you wanted to achieve was:
> _:a a foaf:Person;
>     foaf:name "Dan Brickley".
> <#area> ex:depicts _:a.
> <> foaf:primaryTopic :_a.

Yup, but I was hoping also to get the details of the area and the image 
URL into triples too, so a SPARQL store can be a self-contained 
photographic addressbook / clipart db.

I put your example into and 
ran the latest GetN3 .js bookmarklet on it. Results:

_:n0 <> 
<> .
_:n0 <> "Dan Brickley"@en .

<> _:n0 .

hmm it's not getting the primaryTopic. Maybe the .js is out of date?

Some candidate goals:

* look as much like current HTML as possible
* work with multiple tagged areas
* allow enough info to be exposed via triples to reconstruct the shapes 
over the mapped image from the RDF

> According to the latest status of the group's discussions (not the 
> syntax document as published, though), the following encoding does the 
> trick:
> <div instanceof="foaf:Person"
>   property="foaf:name" content="Dan Brickley">
>   <map name="da8bb51_b" id="da8bb51_b">
>     <area id="area1"
>       shape="POLY" coords="463,662,..."
>       rev="foaf:primaryTopic" href=""/>
>   </map>
>   <span rev="foaf:depicts" resource="#area1"/>
>   <img src="2169955372_503da8bb51_b.jpg"
>      width="1024" height="770" usemap="#da8bb51_b"/>
> </div>
> The reason why a separate <span> is necessary is because for many use 
> cases the special interpretation of @src is necessary, and does get a 
> special usage in RDFa (essentially, it behaves like an @about). That is 

So we can get triples that use the URI from src somehow?

> why the @rev and @resource pair could not be put on the <img> element. 
> If, instead of <img> you had used something like <object>, for example, 
> then you could also have
> <div instanceof="foaf:Person"
>   property="foaf:name" content="Dan Brickley">
>   <map name="da8bb51_b" id="da8bb51_b">
>     <area id="area1"
>       shape="POLY" coords="463,662,..."
>       rev="foaf:primaryTopic" href=""/>
>   </map>
>   <object data="2169955372_503da8bb51_b.jpg"
>      width="1024" height="770" usemap="#da8bb51_b"
>      rev="foaf:depicts" resource="#area1"
>   />
> </div>
> which is, actually, quite nice!

Is it legit to use <object>? do browsers understand it appropriately in 
this context?



Received on Monday, 7 January 2008 15:16:17 UTC