Re: A note on CURIE-s in tutorials, primers, examples...

Shane McCarron wrote:
> This actually raises an interesting point I was agonizing over just 
> yesterday.  Can someone explain to me *why* there is any value at all in 
> permitting a safe_curie in @resource, @about, etc?  If the only value is 
> "the resulting source file is shorter" I don't find that compelling.  I 
> understand why I want to use CURIEs to scope identifiers in @rel, @rev, 
> etc.  I get that they can be deferenced into nifty RDF magic.  But I 
> don't see that making sense for @about or @resource.  I must be missing 
> something.

There's at least one notable use case: pointing to a "named" bnode.

<div about="[_:a]">


<a rel="foo:bar" resource="[_:a]">...</a>


Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2008 16:55:23 UTC