- From: Toby A Inkster <tai@g5n.co.uk>
- Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 15:05:51 +0100
- To: Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org>
- Cc: Mark Birbeck <mark.birbeck@x-port.net>, public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org
On 17 Apr 2008, at 09:31, Dan Brickley wrote: > And imagemaps too I hope - > http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/01/rdfa_and_html_imagemap.html > > If anyone with an RDFa parser cares to experimentally extend it so we > can get imagemap path data out as triples, I'd be very happy... I'd be interested in implementing this. As an example, to get this information out: <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:foaf="http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/" xmlns:imreg="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/image-regions#"> <foaf:Person rdf:about="#me"> <foaf:name>Toby Inkster</foaf:name> </foaf:Person> <foaf:Image rdf:about="http://example.com/mypic"> <imreg:region> <imreg:Rectangle rdf:nodeID="#reg"> <imreg:boundingBox>42,17,304,231</imreg:boundingBox> <imreg:regionDepicts rdf:resource="#me" /> </imreg:Rectangle> </imreg:region> </foaf:Image> </rdf:RDF> ... from something like this: <div about="#me" class="figure"> <img src="mypic" alt="Photo of: " usemap="#themap" /> <span class="legend" property="foaf:name">Toby Inkster</span> </div> <map name="themap" id="themap"> <area shape="rect" coords="42,17,304,231" href="#me" rel="imreg:regionDepicts" /> </map> The only extra rules required would be: 1. Any <area> elements have an implicit @typeof attribute of imreg:Rectangle, imreg:Polygon or imreg:Circle depending on the contents of @shape. 2. For any <img> elements with a non-empty @usemap, an implicit imreg:region relationship exists between the image URI and each <area> element within the map. A slight problem though is that it increases parsing complexity significantly, owing to the fact that the <map> element may be anywhere in the page, so may be encountered either before or after the <img> element. -- Toby A Inkster <mailto:mail@tobyinkster.co.uk> <http://tobyinkster.co.uk>
Received on Friday, 18 April 2008 14:06:43 UTC