ISSUE-105: Last Call Comment: a few editorial notes

ISSUE-105: Last Call Comment: a few editorial notes

Raised by: Ben Adida
On product: RDFa

as brought up by Jonathan Rees in [1]:

- Microformats are mentioned in the abstract. Please give a citation,
   as these might not be familiar to all readers.

- I find the term 'URIorCURIE' to be very confusing, because a CURIE is
   not a URIorCURIE.  It is very easy to interpret the name to imply
   you have created a syntactic context that admits either a URI or a
   CURIE, which would create an alarming ambiguity; but you have been
   careful not to do this.  'URIorSafeCURIE' would be more appropriate.
   (But I'm bothered by 'safe CURIE' for a similar reason - a safe
   CURIE is not a kind of CURIE.)

- 3.6 Turtle: Incomplete sentence beginning "However, there are ..."

- I know that "recurse" is in wide use in the sense in which you use
   it, but this is very poor English.  To "recurse" is to curse again;
   what you mean is "recur".  Follow the pattern of "incur /

- 5.4.1 extraneous "then" in first sentence.

- 5.4.2 extraneous "then" in last sentence of note.

more or less straight-forward. Requires some sanity checks from Mark and Shane.


Received on Thursday, 3 April 2008 01:48:02 UTC