RE: [ALL] Review requested for "Cool URIs"


Please find below my comments on the 'Cool URIs for the Semantic Web' IG Note, 
as requested earlier. Please note that I did NOT take into account Vit's review 

The IG note 'Cool URIs for the Semantic Web' [1]
by Leo Sauermann, Richard Cyganiak and Max Völkel
suggest basically two ways how to publish RDF-based
descriptions on the Web. 

Although the document is in a good shape and certainly
is of great help for developers to understand the
issues related to publishing RDF vocabularies, I see a major
problem regarding the focus. 

There seems to be an implicit assumption that the vocabulary
is published externally serialised using RDF/XML or an alike 
serialisation. The question now is how vocabularies should be
treated that are defined 'inline', say, using RDFa; see for
example a recent post by Dan Brickely [2] regarding FOAF.

Will the proposed recipes (hash and slash) still be applicable
in the XHTML+RDFa setup? Is there a need for a third option?
I'd definitely want to see these issues addressed.

My comments in detail read as follows.

 +  A 'Scope' section right after the Abstract would
    help to identify the intended audience.

 + In Sec. 1 you write ' ... URIs and URLs share the same syntax ... '.
   Please, be more specific here; add references to the according RFCs
   ( and

 + In Sec. 1, between the paragraph 3 and 4 there seems to be a logical break, IMHO.

 + In Sec. 1, the last paragraph could go for example in the 'Scope' section.

 + Sec. 4 heading - please rephrase to something less marketing-like :)

 + In Sec. 4.2 the Fig. 4 seems a bit lost. Please provide more explanation and put in context.

 + Sec. 4.4 needs a major rewrite. For example add a proper reference to CHIPS and explain it.
   See for example the 'Manual of Style' [3] for how to reference ....
 + Sec. 4.6 would definitely benefit from references and some more details ...

 + Sec. 6.1: the sentence 'For a more complete list, see here.' needs to be rewritten;
   see also [4]. Put a proper reference as well into the sentence 
  'The problems with new URI schemes are discussed at length by Thompson and Orchard.'

 + Sec 6.2: The sentence 'Regarding FOAF's practice of avoiding URIs for people,
   we agree with Tim Berners-Lee: "Go ahead and give yourself a URI. You deserve it!"'
   seems not appropriate to me. Though I'm with you I don't see how this fits into this section.
   Please reformulate it :)

 + Sec. 9: Can you please check the IPR issues. I'm note sure if this is in accordance 
   with W3C policies (e.g., [5]) 

 + As noted in the header this IG Note needs to be run through
   the pub rules checker [6]



 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Thomas Baker
>Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 5:39 PM
>To: SWD Working Group
>Cc:; Ivan Herman
>Subject: [ALL] Review requested for "Cool URIs"
>Dear all,
>The document "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web" [1] is being
>prepared for publication as a W3C Interest Group Note by
>the Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group [2].
>The note covers issues of relevance to both "Recipes" and
>"Vocabulary Management".
>The document has already been reviewed extensively by various
>people, including members of TAG, but SWEO would like Semantic
>Web Deployment Working Group to indicate approval before its
>publication -- if possible, _before_ our face-to-face meeting on 
>8-9 October.
>I would like to put this on the agenda for the next telecon
>(September 11) and will ask for volunteer reviewers at that time.
>Tom Baker - -

Received on Monday, 24 September 2007 07:56:21 UTC