Re: Primer Update (feedback)

Manu Sporny wrote:
> - Can we use color or highlight the important parts of the XHTML code in
>   some way? It is hard to differentiate the text that matters to RDFa
>   from the text that doesn't in some of the larger examples.

Yes, I agree, though right now it's tough with the XSL template we have.
I think the right thing to do will be to highlight these things manually
in the HTML once the rest is stable.

> - The document looks very scary and large in a web browser. I realize
>   that it might be against W3C policy to break up a large page, like the
>   Primer document, into multiple pages... but it really needs it. The
>   HTML 4.01 Specification does it:

Let's punt on this until after it's approved. We can always have a
multi-page version on

Personally, I prefer the single-page approach for a document this size
(I think of this as a short document :).

> - The rest of the feedback is attached (tiny grammar corrections,
>   missing words, etc). Changes are highlighted in yellow.

Great... I'll merge this in.



Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2007 18:43:01 UTC