Updating RDFa_GRDDL stylesheet - progress report


I am working on a new version of the RDFa_GRDDL stylesheet.
So far it integrates:
 - differences I found running a diff between my latest version and the 
version Dave Beckett sent me
 - new attributes and associated tests: resource, src

However I have a number of questions concerning the current test suite:

Tests 0001, 0002, 0003, 0020, 0021, 0022, 0023, 0024, 0025, 0033:
I failed these tests because the SPARQL query does not specify the 
datatype. My reading of section 5.1.1 of the syntax document is that in 
these cases the literal value (e.g. "Mark Birbeck", "Ben Adida") should 
be typed rdf:XMLLiteral since it is not in a "content" attribute. E.g. 
for test 0001 I produce this triple but fail the corresponding ASK:
<dc:creator xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" 

Unless I am mistaken, the SPARQL queries of these tests should either 
specify the datatype or use the string function of SPARQL to filter the 
value independently from the datatype.
(NB: in section " Literal from string value of meta" the example 
does not correspond to a tag "meta")

Test 0011:
1, In my understanding "Albert Einstein" should be typed rdf:XMLLiteral
2, Instead of generating
  E = mc<sup>2</sup>: The Most Urgent Problem of Our Time
I generate:
  E = mc<sup xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" 
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">2</sup>: The Most 
Urgent Problem of Our Time

Any opinion on this second case? (apart from the fact that xmlns:xsi=... 
is useless)

Test 0028: I fail because I interpret the attribute datatype="" as an 
XMLLiteral datatype ; I couldn't find in the specs what the empty string 
should represent for a datatype

Test 0029: I fail the test because the ASK specifies an additional space 
in the literal value "Mark Birbeck " which I don't have since I 
normalize embedded text when they have a datatype.

In addition if there have been any changes of the spec lately that I 
should be aware of please do not hesitate to mention them.


Fabien - http://ns.inria.fr/fabien.gandon/

Received on Sunday, 9 September 2007 15:59:06 UTC