RE: pyRDFa Test Suite Reviewer

Ah. Sounds we have a volunteer, here ;)

So, to coordinate these efforts, may I propose
to raise this issue at our upcoming RDFa TC
(Manu will be there anyway, right? Ivan might
want to chime in?)

I am personally also in favour of using an online
service as ...

However, a command-line version (IIUC that is what
Manu offers) would be great to have ...


 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Ivan Herman
>Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:37 AM
>To: Manu Sporny
>Cc: RDFa mailing list
>Subject: Re: pyRDFa Test Suite Reviewer
>I was thinking of something similar, although my strategy was meant to
>be a bit different
>- I would do the RDFa->RDF conversion using an online service. I guess
>it would be possible to send a URI to either Fabien's service or pyRdfa
>(well, I know about the latter) or others. In other words, a proper URI
>for a test result could be minted. For example,
>is a URI for test #12 with pyRdfa.
>- I would create a full SPARQL query using that URI in a 'FROM'
>- submit the SPARQL query to an online SPARQL site, like sparqler
>(I have created a SPARQL library to make such submission easier:
>that could come handy here. But there are others.)
>This would have, in my view, several advantages:
>- the test would be done on the latest versions. At least for pyRdfa I
>know for a fact that the version running on the web is ahead of the
>tar.gz distribution
>- the same test could be done on different implementations 
>easily with a
>minor change in the target URI
>- the test would rely on an external and, possibly, more 
>reliable sparql
>As an example, you can send to sparqler the following query:
>	<> <> 
>"chat"@fr .
>to test pyRdfa and test #12.
>Actually... I picked on #12 because it is also an example where the
>python SPARQL goes wrong. Indeed, the sparqler result above is 'True'.
>However, you test lists it as failing. For reference, here is 
>the result
>in Turtle generated by PyRDFa:
>@prefix ex: <>.
> ex:node ex:property "chat"@fr.
>Which _is_ correct with the test above:-)
>We will have something nice here.
>Manu Sporny wrote:
>> I have had a very hard time reading each RDFa test suite XHTML file,
>> SPARQL file and attempting to determine what triples should 
>be generated
>> from the given XHTML. We might expect beginning RDFa implementers to
>> have the same problem. The test suite is not only good for 
>> but for understanding how RDFa works.
>> With the previous problems/thoughts in mind, I hacked 
>together a quick
>> and dirty test suite reviewer. The reviewer is attached, 
>along with two
>> examples of the output of the tool. It builds upon Ivan 
>Herman's work on
>> pyRDFa and Ed Summer's modifications to the tool.
>> The new tool,, will do the following:
>>  - Retrieve all approved or unreviewed RDFa test cases
>>  - Execute the SPARQL queries on the generated graph
>>  - Dump the graph, in N3 format, to a file.
>>  - Dump the raw XHTML and raw SPARQL to a file.
>>  - Generate a test report, containing all the information necessary
>>    (XHTML, N3, and SPARQL), to understand whether the test case is
>>    behaving or not.
>> All of the current N3 and review files are included in the attached
>> .tar.bz2, in a directory called "review".
>> Two of the files that are generated, as a part of each test, are
>> important to implementers.
>> 1. The review file very clearly shows the input, the output 
>in N3, and
>>    the SPARQL validation code. This will help developers understand
>>    what is supposed to happen in their parsers.
>> 2. The graph N3 serialization is provided. This ensures that 
>>    won't have to write a SPARQL engine to test whether or not their
>>    parser is compliant.
>> Could we include the auto-generated N3 serialization as part 
>of the RDFa
>> test suite (for documentation purposes)?
>> Could we include the review files (or something similar) as 
>part of the
>> RDFa test suite (again, for documentation purposes)?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Command line output from the tool:
>> test-01-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-06-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-07-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-08-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-09-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-10-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-11-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-12-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-13-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-14-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-15-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-18-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-19-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-20-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-21-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-23-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-25-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-26-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-27-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-29-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-30-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-31-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-32-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-33-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-34-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-35-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-36-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-37-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-38-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-41-approved (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-46-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-47-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-48-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-49-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-50-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-51-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... FAIL
>> test-52-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-53-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-54-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-55-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ok
>> test-56-unreviewed (__main__.XhtmlTests) ... ERROR
>> -- manu
>>   XHTML
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" 
>> <html xmlns=""
>>   xmlns:cc="">
>> 	<head>
>> 		<title>Test 0008</title>
>> 	</head>
>>   <body>
>>   	<p>This document is licensed under a
>>   		<a 	about="" rel="cc:license"
>>        		Creative Commons
>>   		</a>.
>>   	</p>	
>>   </body>
>> </html>
>>   Triples (N3 format)
>> @prefix _5: 
>> @prefix cc: <>.
>>  _5:xhtml cc:license 
0008.xhtml> <>
><> .
>> }
>>   XHTML
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" 
>> <html xmlns=""
>>       xmlns:foaf=""
>> 	  >
>>   <head>
>> 		<title>Test 0048</title>    
>>   </head>
>>   <body>
>>   	<div about="" rel="foaf:knows" 
>> 	    <p property="foaf:name">John Doe</p>
>>    	</div>
>>   </body>
>> </html>
>>   Triples (N3 format)
>> @prefix foaf: <>.
>> @prefix rdf: <>.
>>  <> a foaf:Person;
>>      foaf:knows [ foaf:name "John Doe"]. 
>> 	<> <> _:a .
>> 	_:a <> "John Doe" .
>> 	<> 
><> .
>> }
>Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
>PGP Key:

Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2007 07:44:51 UTC